Convert mp4 to mp3 vlc reddit

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Click on Add. Browse and open your video file. Click on Convert/Save. Under Settings, in Profile choose Audio - MP3. Hit Browse and give a destination file name with the extension ending in .mp3. Click Start. The conversion process will begin...
How I would do it: ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vn -c:a libmp3lame -ar 48000 -ac 2 -b:a 192k output.mp3. If you want, you can crank the audio bitrate up to 320k to try to lose as little quality as possible, just know that it'll be almost double the size....
I use vid coder,its a handbreak based encoding takes 20 min for a 5gb video file to turn in a mp4 5gb video file,also its useful because you can burn in subtitles if you need to.I have a 3400g ryzen with a rx 570(bought the gpu used) and 16...
Drag the files into MiniTool Video Converter. Or click Add Files to import the files you wish to save in MP3 format. Step 3. After that, click the box next to Convert all files to at the bottom of the window. From the output format window, switch to the...
With VLC open, go to: Media > Convert / Save... or press Ctrl + R on your keyboard. On the next window you can add the file (s) you want to convert and you can include many at once, even if they ...