Git bash for mac

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4.7 star rating. Add to Safari. The Command Line, SmartGit, and Fork are probably your best bets out of the 29 options considered. "The most powerful way to use git" is the primary reason people pick The Command Line over the competition.
8. You do not have to: "Git Bash" is a Windows port of GNU bash which is a POSIX -compatible shell shipped as part of Git-for-Windows. There are two reasons to ship bash with Git-for-Windows: Some Git commands are still written as Unix-shell...
7. Tower. Their website claims Tower is the "most powerful Git client for Mac". With Tower, you can undo anything: undo local changes, recover deleted commits, revert commits, undo deleted branches and restore old revisions. It includes...
  • Safe
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Note: Once you enter the command, it will request your password. Once that is successful, you can proceed to install Git via the command below in your terminal: $ brew install git. At this point, if it's successful, you've installed Git on...
What is Git Bash? Git Bash is an application for Microsoft Windows environments which provides an emulation layer for a Git command line experience. Bash is an acronym for Bourne Again Shell. A shell is a terminal application used to interface with an...