is a popular open-source tool for assessing and testing the security of wireless networks. It is used for cracking WEP and WPA/WPA2-PSK keys, capturing and decrypting network traffic, and performing various network-based attacks. The website provides detailed documentation, tutorials, and resources for users to learn how to effectively use Aircrack-ng for penetration testing and network security assessments. Additionally, it offers support for various operating systems and wireless network adapters, making it a versatile tool for professionals and enthusiasts in the cybersecurity field.
Aircrack-ng is more like an aggressive tool that lets you hack and give access to Wireless connections. Thinking as an intruder has always been the safest way to protect yourself against a hack.linuxhint.comYou can run vulnerability checks on your wifi networks by using a very powerful tool called Aircrack-ng and Wireshark. Wireshark is used to monitor network activity.
On MacOS, install it is via Macports or brew. Download the latest version of the Aircrack-ng suite for Windows to your computer. The link for the zip file can be found on the Wiki home page.aircrack-ng.orgUnzip the contents of the Aircrack-ng zip file into “C:\”. This will create a directory called “aircrack-ng-1.6-win”. This directory name will vary based on the exact version that you downloaded.
Linux option only. More details about them can be found in our blog post . On MacOS, install it is via Macports or brew. Simply do “brew install aircrack-ng” or “sudo ports install aircrack-ng”aircrack-ng.orgThe Windows version of the Aircrack-ng suite does not have an install program. You must manually install (unzipping archive) the software.
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CountryHosted in France
Latitude\Longitude48.8582 / 2.3387 Google Map
Traffic rank#56,483 Site Rank
Site age18 yrs old
Site Owner informationWhois info
Developer(s)Thomas d'Otreppe de Bouvette
Stable release1.7 / May 10, 2022
Written inC
Operating systemCross-platform
TypePacket sniffer,and,injector,; WEP encryption key recovery
18 yrs