Excel Easy

Excel-easy.com is a user-friendly and comprehensive website aimed at teaching beginners the fundamentals of Microsoft Excel. With a simplistic layout and step-by-step tutorials, it offers users a straightforward approach to understanding and utilizing the various features and functions within Excel. Covering topics ranging from basic formulas and formatting to more advanced concepts like macros and pivot tables, the website presents information in a clear and concise manner, making it accessible for individuals with little to no prior knowledge of Excel. In addition to tutorials, the website also offers practice exercises and downloadable templates, facilitating hands-on learning and allowing users to apply what they have learned.

Excel-easy (excel-easy.com) earns money through advertisement platforms and also through the YouTube channel. How do websites work? The estimated revenue per year is around $9000+.filmifeed.comExcel-easy (excel-easy.com) is one of the popular websites around the globe. The website has a great number of visitors all over the world.

What do you need to know about free software?download.cnet.comEasy Excel provides multi libs to manage the Excel files in your computer. Each lib relates a folder in your computer. You can switch to display any lib in the task pane freely.

We have worked on multiple Excel projects in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Some of the companies we have worked for are Reuters money real time, Hewitt Associates and Ortec logistics.ww1dd2w.excel-easy.comExcel Easy was founded by Niels Weterings while he was pursuing a master's degree in Operations Research and Management at the University of Amsterdam.

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via Upwork posted_at: 11 days agoschedule_type: Contractorwork_from_home: 1
Need information extracted from 82 audit reports by tmrw 82 separate reports listed here: http://www.atlaudit.org/independent-procurement-review-reports.html Job is to extract the information from each report. http://www.atlaudit.org/independent-procurement-review-reports.html Extract the following info from each report at the link below: A Solicitation Description B. Solicitation number C Type D Year E Review area F Number of problem http://www.atlaudit.org/independent-procurement-review-reports.html The Need information extracted from 82 audit reports by tmrw

82 separate reports listed here:


Job is to extract the information from each report.


Extract the following info from each report at the link below:

A Solicitation Description

B. Solicitation number

C Type

D Year

E Review area

F Number of problem


The goal is to identify audit areas of issue
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via Upwork posted_at: 22 days agoschedule_type: Contractorwork_from_home: 1
Instructions for Challenge 1 can be found below. Mandatory... Challenge 1: A-MAZE Us With Your Game! Jonathan will give prizes to students with the best and most creative game! Big Boss Charlie just sent you an e-mail. Remember the Nintencrosoft PlayBoxSwitch 365 Lite that the whole world is raving about? Well, guess what? Big Boss Charlie just bought it. Not the console. I mean the whole company! Knowing that you’ve learnt coding from Jonathan Instructions for Challenge 1 can be found below.


Challenge 1: A-MAZE Us With Your Game!

Jonathan will give prizes to students with the best and most creative game!

Big Boss Charlie just sent you an e-mail. Remember the Nintencrosoft PlayBoxSwitch 365 Lite that the whole world is raving about? Well, guess what? Big Boss Charlie just bought it. Not the console. I mean the whole company!

Knowing that you’ve learnt coding from Jonathan in Computational Reasoning, he wants you to make a game so that he can package it with the Nintencrosoft PlayBox Switch 365 Lite as a bundled deal. Impress him with your creativity! Here’s what you’ll need to do:

Step 1: Click here to download the Pre-Tutorial 4 Challenge 1 Submission Template.

You will not get any marks if you used any other file for submission!

Step 2: Your game must have the following features (read carefully to avoid losing marks unnecessarily):

Come up with a story for your game. You must include the story somewhere in the spreadsheet. EITHER presented on the spreadsheet itself, OR using the MsgBox command to tell the story.

The game must have a main character that can be controlled using the up/down/left/right buttons (as taught in Lecture 7-3).

The game does not need to follow a boring maze layout. Be creative! It can be a forest, castle, dungeon, spaceship, secret laboratory, etc. The character should be able to avoid stepping into obstacles like walls or trees (as taught in Lecture 7-3)

There should be an ending square that the character must go to end the game (as taught in Lecture 7-3)

There should be a scoring system (refer to Lecture 8-6 on how to implement a scoring system).

It’s up to you how you want to award points. You can also have penalties if you want.

Points can be gained from picking up objects (e.g. gold, tokens) or for doing certain things – it’s up to your creativity (it can be points, cash, objects, etc.)

The points acquired should affect the progression of the game. E.g. the player needs a minimum score to go through a particular coloured square or something like that. Be creative!

There should be AT LEAST ONE (1x) non-movable, non-playable character in the game (in gamer speak, it’s called a Non-Playable Character – NPC). Talking to the NPC must change the game in some way (e.g. affect the map, give the player an item to unlock something, or affect how the player is able to win the game)

NPC should be represented by a coloured square and/or emoji

Your character must be able to talk to it

To detect the NPC, all you need is a command like this (be sure to translate this pseudo-code into VBA): IF the square next to your current position is an NPC square THEN

You can have more than one NPC if you wish.

(OPTIONAL) If you wish to challenge yourself to learn more, here are some other things you can consider doing (do it because you want to learn and have fun):

Teleportation portals to bring your character from one place to another

Power-ups/potions or other things that your character can pick up from the ground that will change the behaviour of your character

Character must walk into a coloured square to activate something

Map WASD control keys to move your character (Follow instructions from this PDF: How to Map WASD Keys on your Keyboard.)

Use Emojis instead of coloured squares (Follow instructions from this PDF: How to Use Emojis in VBA)

If you want to check whether the the currently selected cell is at a particular cell, you can use: If Selection.Address = Range("X99").Address Then

Refer to the Grading Rubrics at the bottom of this page for the expectations of this assignment.

If you have any difficulties, please consult

Step 3: You must clearly document your code by adding comments to describe what you are doing.

Refer to Lecture 8-5 on the use of comments. In VBA, comments begin with the apostrophe ' symbol.

You do not need to write an essay. Each comment should be about 1 or 2 lines long explaining what each line of code (or a few lines of code) is supposed to do – this is meant to demonstrate that you know what you are doing. Refer to Lecture 7-3 Activity 1 (Partial Solution) to have an idea of what we expect for the documentation.

IMPORTANT: You only need to write comments for one direction, e.g. up arrow. If there are unique instructions for certain other directions, then you’ll need comments there too
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via Upwork posted_at: 25 days agoschedule_type: Contractorwork_from_home: 1
I'm looking for an Administrative assistant to start on easy one off (1 hour to 2 hour) projects on a daily basis. these projects involve googling, going to a website, getting contact information and putting them into an excel spreadsheet. these can be done at your leisure. if the relationship goes well this can grow into more time and a larger role. I'm ready to hire on a hourly or project... specific basis I'm looking for an Administrative assistant to start on easy one off (1 hour to 2 hour) projects on a daily basis. these projects involve googling, going to a website, getting contact information and putting them into an excel spreadsheet. these can be done at your leisure. if the relationship goes well this can grow into more time and a larger role. I'm ready to hire on a hourly or project... specific basis Show more details...
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