University of Münster
German university

The official website of the University of Münster, located in Germany, provides information about the university's academic programs, research initiatives, and campus activities. The homepage features links to news articles, events on and off-campus, and student services, such as counseling and career advice. There are also sections dedicated to the university's history, governance, and strategic priorities. The website's design is clean and modern, with easy-to-navigate menus and a search bar to assist users in finding specific information. Overall, the website aims to showcase the University of Münster as a leading academic institution in Germany and Europe.

Every year a number of local and international students study in the University of M�nster. University main building located in the Germany. Some of the affiliate faculties are around the Germany.europassgo.comUniversity of M�nster provides an amazing learning opportunity to students meaning that the university is regularly ranked in the world’s top list.

The University Of Muenster hand kneen focuses on student development. The University of Muenster was founded on April 16, 1780.getmyuni.comEarlier its name was Royal Theological and Philosophical Academy. The University of Muenster has the largest libraries in the region, which gives access to a large number of books to the students.

University main building located in the Germany. University of M�nster provides an amazing learning opportunity to students meaning that the university is regularly ranked in the world’s top list.europassgo.comClear evidence shows the commitment of University of M�nster to its students to provide a clear career path, world-leading quality of education and high standards of education.

  • Encrypted
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  • Country
    Hosted in Germany

  • Latitude\Longitude
    51.2993 / 9.491    Google Map

  • Traffic rank
    #6,555 Site Rank

  • Site Owner information
    Whois info

  • Type

  • Established
    April 16, 1780

  • Budget
    € 731,6 million (2020)

  • Chancellor
    Matthias Schwarte

  • Rector
    Johannes Wessels

  • Academic staff

  • Administrative staff

  • Students
    43,790 (As of 2016)

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Popular Questions for University of Münster
Newest job postings for University of Münster
via ZEIT ONLINE Stellenmarkt posted_at: 19 days agoschedule_type: Full-time
The Faculty of Biology at the University of Münster, Germany, invites applications for the Maria Sibylla Merian Professorship with tenure-track (salary level W 1, 100%) We are conducting an open search looking for an enthusiastic young researcher in the biosciences, whose line of research shows extraordinary promise for the development of an internationally recognized research program at our faculty. The Faculty of Biology broadly represents The Faculty of Biology at the University of Münster, Germany, invites applications for the

Maria Sibylla Merian Professorship

with tenure-track (salary level W 1, 100%)

We are conducting an open search looking for an enthusiastic young researcher in the biosciences, whose line of research shows extraordinary promise for the development of an internationally recognized research program at our faculty.

The Faculty of Biology broadly represents the diversity and interdisciplinarity in modern biological research. Our six focus areas (biochemistry and biotechnology, bioenergetics and metabolism, evolution and biodiversity, the multiscale analysis of cellular systems, neuroscience and behaviour, plants) mirror the current research landscape and connect multiple biological institutes and university faculties.

The selected candidate will initially receive a 3+3-year appointment. Tenure and promotion will be based on internal and external... evaluation
(⁠​karriere/​en/​tenure-track/​index.shtml). A flexible and competitive funding package will cover staff and running costs for their research. The new Tenure Track Professor will be scientifically independent and associated with the institute of their choice ensuring suitable rooms, infrastructure and a stimulating scientific environment.

We encourage early career researchers with postdoctoral research experience and evidence of creative and high-quality research to apply. Active time in academia will be considered in the evaluation process. Parental and caregiving time, as well as part-time employment due to childcare and pandemic-related restrictions (e.g. closed childcare facilities), will be taken into account if indicated in the application documents.

The University of Münster strongly supports equal opportunity and diversity. We welcome all applicants regardless of sex, nationality, ethnic or social background, religion or worldview, disability, age, sexual orientation or gender identity. We are committed to creating family-friendly working conditions.

We actively encourage applications by women. Female candidates with equivalent qualifications and academic achievements will be preferentially considered within the framework of the legal possibilities.

Please send your application, including a CV, list of publications, acquired third-party funds and a short research proposal (2-3 pages) by email, in a single PDF document, to by 23 April 2023.

University of Münster

Dean's Office of the Faculty Biology (FB13)

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via Indeed posted_at: 7 days agoschedule_type: Full-time
45,000 students and 8,000 employees in teaching, research and administration, all working together to shape perspectives for the future – that is the University of Münster. Embedded in the vibrant atmosphere of Münster with its high standard of living, the University’s diverse research profile and attractive study programmes draw students and researchers throughout Germany and from around the world. The Institute for Analysis and Numerics in 45,000 students and 8,000 employees in teaching, research and administration, all working together to shape perspectives for the future – that is the University of Münster. Embedded in the vibrant atmosphere of Münster with its high standard of living, the University’s diverse research profile and attractive study programmes draw students and researchers throughout Germany and from around the world.

The Institute for Analysis and Numerics in the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Münster, Germany, is seeking to fil the position of a

Research Software Engineer
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in
(salary level TV-L E 13, 100%)

for the externally funded project MaRDI at the earliest possible date. We are offering a fixed-term full-time position until 30 September 2026.

The “Mathematical Research Data Initiative (MaRDI)”,, is part of the German “National Research Data Infrastructure”, a major effort to create a sustainable infrastructure... to improve the findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability of research data.

Your tasks:
• The development and implementation of research data infrastructure for scientific computing
• The development of concepts to improve the interoperability of scientific computing software, such as PDE solvers, model reduction, optimization or uncertainty quantification codes
• The development of a common language-independent software infrastructure through which high-performance software interfaces can be easily defined and implemented
• Working with internal and external partners
• Presenting your work at international conferences and establishing new collaborations within the scientific computing community

Our expectations:
• An academic degree in mathematics, computer science, physics or a related field is required.
• Experience in scientific computing is expected.
• Expert knowledge of at least two of the programming languages C/C++, Fortran, Python, Julia, R, MATLAB is required.
• Familiarity with libraries such as deal.II, DUNE, FEniCS, NGSolve, preCICE or pyMOR is beneficial.
• A good understanding of cloud technologies (Docker, Kubernetes, etc.) is desirable.
• A high level of motivation as well as the ability to work both independently and in a team is expected.

The University of Münster strongly supports equal opportunity and diversity. We welcome all applicants regardless of sex, nationality, ethnic or social background, religion or worldview, disability, age, sexual orientation or gender identity. We are committed to creating family-friendly working conditions. Part-time options are generally available.

We actively encourage applications by women. Women with equivalent qualifications and academic achievements will be preferentially considered unless these are outweighed by reasons which necessitate the selection of another candidate.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr Stephan Rave (

Are you interested? We look forward to receiving your application by 31 March 2023. Please submit your application electronically in one PDF file (in English or German) to Applications should include a short statement of the candidate’s research experience and interests, a CV including a list of publications, relevant academic transcripts and the names and contact information of two potential referees
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via Mendeley posted_at: 22 days agoschedule_type: Full-time
Am Germanistischen Institut des Fachbereichs 09 - Philologie der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster ist zum 01.04.2024 eine W3-Professur für "Neuere deutsche Literatur" zu besetzen. Der*die Stelleninhaber*in soll das Fach Neuere deutsche Literaturin Forschung und Lehre in allen Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen (mit und ohne Lehramt) sowie in seiner ganzen historischen Breite vertreten. Ein Schwerpunkt im Bereich des 18. Jahrhunderts Am Germanistischen Institut des Fachbereichs 09 - Philologie der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster ist zum 01.04.2024 eine

W3-Professur für "Neuere deutsche Literatur"

zu besetzen.

Der*die Stelleninhaber*in soll das Fach Neuere deutsche Literaturin Forschung und Lehre in allen Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen (mit und ohne Lehramt) sowie in seiner ganzen historischen Breite vertreten. Ein Schwerpunkt im Bereich des 18. Jahrhunderts und/oder des Dramas ist wünschenswert.

Einstellungsvoraussetzungen sind ein abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium im Fach Germanistik/Deutsch, die besondere pädagogische Eignung und Befähigung zu wissenschaftlicher Arbeit, die durch eine für die ausgeschriebene Stelle einschlägige überdurchschnittliche Promotion nachgewiesen wird. Darüber hinaus sind zusätzliche wissenschaftliche Leistungen erforderlich, die im Rahmen einer Juniorprofessur, einer Habilitation oder einer Tätigkeit als wissenschaftliche^ Mitarbeiterin an einer Hochschule oder... außeruniversitären Einrichtung oder im Rahmen einer wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeit in Wirtschaft, Verwaltung oder in einem anderen gesellschaftlichen Bereich im In- und Ausland erbracht worden sind.

Die WWU setzt sich für Chancengerechtigkeit und Vielfalt ein. Wir begrüßen alle Bewerbungen unabhängig von Geschlecht, Nationalität, ethnischer oder sozialer Herkunft, der Religion oder Weltanschauung, Beeinträchtigung, Alter sowie sexueller Orientierung oder Identität.

Eine familiengerechte Gestaltung der Arbeitsbedingungen ist uns ein selbstverständliches Anliegen.

Bewerbungen von Frauen sind ausdrücklich erwünscht; Frauen werden bei gleicher Eignung, Befähigung und fachlicher Leistung bevorzugt berücksichtigt, sofern nicht in der Person eines Mitbewerbers liegende Gründe überwiegen.

Bewerbungen mit den üblichen Unterlagen (Lebenslauf, Schriftenverzeichnis, Unterlagen zum wissenschaftlichen und beruflichen Werdegang, Zeugniskopien, Darstellung des eigenen Forschungsprofils und der sich daraus ergebenden Perspektiven an der WWU Münster, Angaben über
die bisherige Lehrtätigkeit (inkl. der entsprechenden Lehrevaluationsergebnisse) und Mitwirkung in der akademischen Selbstverwaltung sowie über eingeworbene Drittmittel) sind bitte ausschließlich elektronisch (PDF-Format) bis zum 26.03.2023 zu richten an:

Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Dekan des Fachbereichs 09 - Philologie
Herrn Prof. Dr. Eric Achermann
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