Technical eligibility is not the same thing as a real shot at the traineeship though. A bachelor's degree in egyptology is about as likely to get you a blue book traineeship as not applying at all, as you need to specify which service you want to be a trainee at, and the service chooses the people with relevant qualifications.
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The official traineeship scheme of the European Commission, also known as the Blue Book Traineeship, is a traineeship programme providing official in-service training with the European Commission. Aimed at young university graduates, it has been running since 1960 and is the biggest traineeship programme in the world. Traineeships, which start in October or March and last five months, are ...
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The lifestyle in the bubble is what you make of it. Practical benefits of working in an EU institution aside, if you are mostly interacting with colleague then you can expect a very international environment. You will be considered internal for the duration of your traineeship.
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You will work at the Commission for five months (no extension) and you will work for 40 hours a week. As a trainee, you can take two days of leave every month. Additionally, the traineeship is ...
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As a liaison trainee in the Human Resources team of Luxembourg, I was responsible for managing and help the new blue book trainees of the European Commission in the first month of their ...
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