Linux is a Unix-like computer operating system assembled under the model of free and open source software development and distribution. The defining component of Linux is the Linux kernel, an …
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Most people, even people who dabble with Linux, don't quite grasp the distinction between Linux, GNU/Linux, and the GNU toolchain, but the differences matter when you're thinking about certain kinds of …
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Ubuntu uses Debian as base. That’s what most ‘derived’ distributions do. They use the same package management system and share packages as the base distribution. But they also add some …
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The battlefield is the operating system. Numerous ad campaigns give the impression that these are the only two choices out there for anyone looking to buy a computer. But there's a small group of rebels out there who …
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GNU refers to the programs that are in the GNU suite which most distributions, such as Ubuntu, include. For example, Ubuntu ships coreutils which is a …
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