Login.gov adheres to the latest security standards established by top security organizations such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Cybersecurity National Action Plan and the Federal Acquisition Service. Agencies choose Login.gov because we provide a secure — and simple — solution. Read more about our partner program.
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- United States
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- 21,529 Site Rank
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Check our International phone number support for a complete list that Login.gov supports for authenticating end-users. Non-U.S. citizens and non-U.S. immigrants can verify their identity (i.e., "proof") with Login.gov as long as they have a valid U.S. state-issued ID, Social Security number (SSN), and U.S. address.
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- 21,529 Site Rank
- Report Card
A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS A lock or https: // means you've safely connected to the .gov website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. ... Login.gov is used to secure your account when you apply for. Federal jobs (USAJOBS - Office ...
- Safe
- United States
- Encrypted
- 21,529 Site Rank
- Report Card
A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS A lock ( ) or https:// means you've safely connected to the .gov website.
- Safe
- United States
- Encrypted
- 21,529 Site Rank
- Report Card
Get started with Login.gov. Login.gov is the public's one account and password for government. Login.gov is a shared service and trusted by government agencies. With one Login.gov account you can access applications from participating government partners. Create your Login.gov account; Learn about authentication options; Why you are being ...
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- United States
- Encrypted
- 21,529 Site Rank
- Report Card
An official website of the United States government Here's how you know Here's how you know. Official websites use .gov A .gov website ... Login.gov requires that you set up at least one authentication method to keep your account secure. This is multifactor authentication (MFA). We use MFA as an added layer of protection to secure your ...
- Safe
- United States
- Encrypted
- 21,529 Site Rank
- Report Card
Login.gov was a General Services Administration 18F innovation project in partnership with the United States Digital Services (USDS). This shared-service, made possible through a Trusted Identities Group (National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace) grant, is a result of cross-agency collaboration that sought to develop secure, user ...
- Safe
- United States
- Encrypted
- 21,529 Site Rank
- Report Card
Login.gov is a single sign-on solution for US government websites. It enables users to log in to services from numerous government agencies using the same username and password. Login.gov was jointly developed by 18F and the US Digital Service. The initiative was announced in a blog post in May 2016 and the new system was launched in April 2017 as a replacement for Connect.Gov.
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- United States
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- 24 yrs old
- 13 Site Rank
- Report Card
As Login.gov is operated by the U.S. Government, this ensures that any access to benefits or services using Login.gov is a private interaction between a user and their government. As a government-operated service, GSA is required by law to protect the personal information and privacy of its users—this means that personal information can never ...
- Safe
- United States
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- 4,678 Site Rank
- Report Card
Create a login.gov account - you only need to do this once. Enter an email address—use the same email address you use for USAJOBS (your primary or secondary email address), if you have an existing profile with us. Create a new password. Select your first method of authentication—having another way to sign in keeps your account more secure ...
- Safe
- United States
- Encrypted
- 5,522 Site Rank
- Report Card

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