To make sure your website is set up the right way, it’s important to complete the following steps below: In Step 2, I’ll walk you through the process of choosing a domain name and finding a space to host your site. In Step 3, I’ll show you how to install and customize your WordPress website. Don’t worry – I’ll walk you through the ...
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Step Four: Set Up Your Menu. The menu is the list of links you see at the top of a website that readers can use to find their way around your site. You can now add the pages you created in Steps Two and Three. Get started at My Site → Appearance → Customize → Menus.
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But it also requires more setup work and maintenance than most website builders do. The first step of building a website using WordPress is taking stock and knowing what you’re signing up for. WordPress is not an all-in-one package. It’s a Content Management System (CMS). A CMS allows you to create and organize digital content.
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- 12 yrs old
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Meaning that they will: (a) set up a hosting account for you, (b) register a domain name on your behalf, (c) configure everything to work together, and (d) give you access to an easy-to-use dashboard. Go ahead and sign up with any of the web hosting services, we’ll wait. When you’re back and have your web server configured and ready to go ...
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- 11 yrs old
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Font embedding services (like Google Web Fonts or Adobe Fonts) sprung up as an alternative, giving your designs something new, fresh, and unexpected. They’re also super easy to use. Take Google for example: Choose any font like Open Sans or Droid Serif or Lato.
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- 11 yrs old
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Sign in with your Microsoft account. You'll use your Microsoft account for everything you do with Microsoft 365 or Office. If you use a Microsoft service like Outlook.com, OneDrive, Xbox Live, or Skype, you already have an account. Sign in Create a new account.
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- United States
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- 25 yrs old
- 30 Site Rank
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