YouTube - 3 years ago - 168.3K views
A style may include such elements as form, method of construction, building materials, and regional character. Most architecture ...
YouTube - 10 years ago - 100.3K views
The word "gothic" evokes images of the massive ornately decorated cathedrals built in medieval Europe. Learn more about the ...
YouTube - 7 months ago - 30.1K views
It was the highest building constructed during the Middle Ages and is an architectural masterpiece. Built over hundreds of years, ...
YouTube - 5 years ago - 1.1M views
Chapel, Cathedral, Basilica and a Shrine Mean Different Things. This video will explain the difference between them all.
YouTube - 3 years ago - 11.6K views
FPC Member Mike Padden covers church floor plan layouts and names of areas. Parts of the sanctuary and their symbolism.
YouTube - 1 year ago - 108.7K views
This documentary is unique in its attempt to combine information about some of the architectural features of Chartres Cathedral ...
YouTube - 8 years ago - 644.4K views
A little something to help you recognize and understand gothic architecture. Easy Architecture is a continuing web series that ...
YouTube - 8 years ago - 4K views
Ever wondered how some of the most majestic buildings of our time was constructed? How to build a structure that would collapse ...
YouTube - 2 years ago - 120K views
It was the highest building constructed during the Middle Ages and is an architectural masterpiece. Built over hundreds of years, ...
YouTube - 1 year ago - 66K views
A well-known example of Gothic architecture and German Catholicism that was inducted into the UNESCO World Heritage List in ...

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