YouTube - 1 year ago - 47.5K views
A literary romance bursts into life with “Dream of the Red Chamber,” the blockbuster opera from writer-composer Bright Sheng and ...
YouTube - 1 month ago - 52.1K views
《新紅樓夢》改編自中國四大名著之一曹雪芹所著《紅樓夢》,由金漢執導,凌波、周芝明、李菁、李麗華、陳莎莉、趙雷等領銜 ...
YouTube - 4 months ago - 16.3K views
林青霞是個大美人,反串了還是大美人!此部片原先導演屬意由林青霞扮演林黛玉,但,發現林青霞比張艾嘉明顯個頭高, ...
YouTube - 5 years ago - 79.9K views
Chinese Yue Opera: Dream of the Red Chamber (Part II), an opera movie classic produced by the Shanghai Movie Studio in 1962 ...
YouTube - 4 years ago - 21.2K views
Can't get enough of our unforgettable Dream of the Red Chamber and Red Cliff gala concert on 13 & 14 July? We heard you!
YouTube - 4 years ago - 5.9K views
Nanyang Technological University Chinese Orchestra (NTUCO) Presents - Transient Reminiscence 2019: Evocations 南洋理工 ...