YouTube - 3 years ago
Dani has an unpopular opinion regarding one of the most famous pop artists. Here she features Andy Warhol and his works ...
YouTube - 3 years ago - 4.1K views
American artists Morgan Russel and Stanton MacDonald began their own movement, check out their paintings “Synchromy in ...
YouTube - 3 years ago - 1.2K views
Learn about the lesser-known Impressionist artist Alfred Sisley. Dani discusses his paintings, “Avenue of Chestnut Trees,” “La ...
YouTube - 3 years ago
Dani explains that there are more Renaissance artists than Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael, and Donatello. Explore Andrea ...
YouTube - 3 years ago
Welcome Dani Fallon, our guide to tidbits of The Art Story! We look forward to exploring the best of art history and the many ...
YouTube - 3 years ago
You can always learn about new artists at The Art Story. Here, Dani discusses the mixed-media work of Lorna Simpson, ...
YouTube - 3 years ago
An exploration into the visually surreal 16th century painting “The Vision of Tundale” by followers of Hieronymus Bosch. more: ...

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