YouTube - 2 years ago - 9.9K views
A new video from Larry Osterman, Principal Software Design Engineer: Hey Larry, why wasn't Windows built on top of Unix?
YouTube - 1 year ago - 84.9K views
Microsoft Windows is a proprietary OS for desktops and servers. Linux is an open source OS for desktops, servers, and more.
YouTube - 4 months ago - 125.1K views
Dave Cutler explains why Microsoft selected Windows as the primary personality for NT.
YouTube - 2 years ago - 365K views
A totally neutral and completely unbiased retired Microsoft operating systems developer gives you the rundown on Linux vs ...
YouTube - 2 years ago - 193.2K views
obvious joke is obvious ₿ Help Support the Channel by Donating Crypto ₿ Monero ...
YouTube - 1 year ago - 940.6K views
I'm sure you've all heard of Linux. It's that one open-source operating system that nerds love talking about. But, Linux isn't just ...
YouTube - 11 months ago - 228.3K views
Did you know that Microsoft made their own version of UNIX, all the way back as far as 1979, before MS-DOS and Windows was ...
YouTube - 2 years ago - 39.3K views
Learn about Unix, get a basic overview, its history, how it relates to today, and more! This channel is dedicated to explaining ...
YouTube - 1 day ago
Windows Task Manager vs Linux top vs Linux htop Windows 11 Professional version of Task Manager is explained and compared ...
YouTube - 3 years ago - 87.7K views
Do you have ever asked yourself the question "Linux vs Windows vs Mac OS - Which is best as an IT professional"? Don't worry I ...

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