Best food cities in europe reddit

Budapest is a great international foodie-destination with both local cuisines and foods from all the world. Lviv in Ukraine is probably the best ...
Traveling throughout Europe you get to med-large cities, like Porto, Florence, Budapest, Bucharest, Warsaw, etc. Yes, they have a great "food ...
Netherlands was also pretty good, options everywhere, obvs Amsterdam was brilliant. Poland surprisingly good, I found gf food in restaurants ...
... cities in all of Europe... That's right, it's time for an ITALY thread! (pic unrelated). r/2westerneurope4u - The best food ... ...
Italy in general has great vegetarian food. I live in the UK, loads of veggie food here. I have found Paris and Prague to be difficult. I ...
Italy! More specifically Florence. Every single meal we had was dreamy. The steak, the pasta, the cheese, the bread, the wine!
The spanish basque country has the best food in Europe as of today, hand's down. Italy is sublime and never to be dismissed. The worst food ...
If one were to travel to a city in Europe solely to eat good seafood, where would that be? Food. I'm talking fish, squid, octopus, mussels ...
We are also going to Lyon, Bordeaux, Marrakesh, Greece, Croatia and Amsterdam but haven't seen any “big” fine dining restaurants there that are ...
Even as a Dane i haven't heard of Copenhagen being a very good food city. Though i have heard of there being a restaurant that is considered the ...
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