Canonical representation meaning

A canonical form means that values of a particular type of resource can be described or represented in multiple ways, and one of those ways is chosen as the favored canonical form. (That form is canonized, like books that made it into the bible, and the...
Mistake #1. Blocking the canonicalized URL via robots.txt. Blocking a URL in robots.txt prevents Google from crawling it, meaning that it cannot see any canonical tags on that page. That, in turn, prevents it from transferring any "link...
What is canonicalization. Canonicalization is the process of selecting the representative - canonical - URL of a piece of content. Consequently, a canonical URL is the URL of a page that Google chose as the most representative from a set of duplicate...
In computer science, canonicalization (sometimes standardization or normalization) is a process for converting data that has more than one possible representation into a "standard", "normal", or canonical form. This can be done to...
In this example, Google will likely choose the canonical URL for indexing and ranking. The canonical page is also called the "principal," "primary," or "representative" version. Note: Google doesn't always make the...
Canonicalization is a way of telling Google which version of each page to choose. Enter canonicalization, a grand word for quite a straightforward concept. Where you have duplicate content, it's a way of telling search engines which page is your...
In mathematics and computer science, a canonical, normal, or standard form of a mathematical object is a standard way of presenting that object as a mathematical expression. Often, it is one which provides the simplest representation of an object and...
Canonical tags affect search engine rankings from two points of view: 1. It can directly influence search results display. You can basically tell Google "Instead of this page, show this page.". So if you have page B ranking on some keyword,...
uniqueness of the scale as determined by a canonical representation. Much more important and much more difficult is the question as to which properties a function must have in order that it can be transformed into a canonical function. The conditions...
Canonical form basically holds every variable in its group. So if you have three variables named A, B and C, your SoM could be A~BC+~ABC+AB~C = Y. Now you can simplify this to reduce the number of variables in the equation. This simplification is easy...
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