
Web《中時新聞網》前身為《中時電子報》,於1995年創立,是全台第一家且歷史最悠久的網路媒體,開啟新聞數位時代。近來以最具影響力的政治新聞 ...
Web《中時新聞網》財經 頻道. 台慶不動產徐鵬凱把不順遂當養分 今年7個月拼出500萬業績、翻漲4倍
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Web《中時新聞網》兩岸 頻道. 「史上最嚴」減持新規推細化標準 封堵變相減持漏洞
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WebThe China Times ( Chinese: 中國時報; pinyin: Zhōngguó Shíbào; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Tiong-kok Sî-pò, abbr. 中時; Zhōng Shí; Tiong-sî) is a daily Chinese-language newspaper published in …
Web《中時新聞網》寶島 頻道. 「金曲芬多精-花東金曲講唱會」朱海君壓軸登場 人氣爆棚
It provides 24-hour uninterrupted newspaper news and real-time news for free, and only shows you the "most immediate, most diverse, and most exciting" Native news on the Internet, let the world be zero time …
Web《中時新聞網》前身為《中時新聞網》,於1995年創立,是全台第一家且歷史最悠久的網路媒體,開啟新聞數位時代。近來以最具影響力的政治新聞引領先驅外,首創娛樂、生活、 …
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China Times
The China Times is a daily Chinese-language newspaper published in Taiwan. It is one of the four largest newspapers in Taiwan. It is owned by Want Want, which also owns TV stations CTV and CTiTV.... Read more