Country capital and currency list

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Country, Capital & Currency: S.No. Country Name: Capital: Currency: Continent: 1. ...
Countries Capital and Currencies 2023. There are seven continents and each continent contains ...
WebCountry. Capital. Currency. Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh …
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WebThe world's number one place for living is Australian capital Canberra, followed by the Canadian Ottawa. For travel most tourists choose Great Britain's capital city London, it is …
WebCapitals of Australia Currencies listed by continents Currencies of Europe Currencies of Asia Currencies of Africa Currencies of North America Currencies of South America …
WebCentral African CFA Franc Comorian; Arabic; French Czech; Slovak East Caribbean Dollar East Timor (Timor-Leste) Tetum; Portuguese; Spanish; French; Portuguese …
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Table of Contents Countries, Capitals and Currencies of the World 2023 In the current world, there are 195 countries. Out of them, 193 countries are members of the United Nations while two countries …
WebTotally, there are 164 official national currencies circulating around the world. Although the number of the independent countries is 197 plus about five dozen of dependent …
WebList of Countries, Capital & its Currency North America Sr. No. Country Capital Currency 1 Antigua and Barbuda St. John’s East Caribbean dollar 2 Bahamas Nassau …
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