Der spiegel cover

A major German news magazine, Der Spiegel, cleverly and terrifyingly illustrated this belief with a cover that portrays “The Donald”‘s screaming, flaming orange …
Der Spiegel | Der Spiegel covers, Annual ID: ADC_ILL18006S, Award: Silver Cube , Category: Illustration - Illustration / Magazine Cover / Newspaper Front Page - Series
US President Donald Trump and North Korea's Kim Jong Un are on Der Spiegel's latest cover amid rising tensions in the Korean peninsula.
Norman Konrad / DER SPIEGEL. Vorherige Ausgabe. Nr. 26 / 21.06.2024 • Alle Ausgaben. Das ungelöste Vorsorgeproblem Reicht mein Geld im Alter? Von Cornelia Schmergal, …
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