Fatfire income reddit

Annual income is currently about 10% of net worth for what I now consider part time work based on the last 20 years of building the business. I ...
Not exactly clear on your question: my gross income is 1.3M pretax. My charges and professional receipts are much higher than that. My overhead ...
FatFIRE # is $5-6M ($150-$180k gross annually at a 3% SWR). Most of our net worth was built over the last 3 years. Both of us got major ...
It's completely reasonable to plan a fatFIRE lifestyle at $10m. But if you read this subreddit, there's a massive chance that once you get to $9 ...
I'd like to get everyone's thoughts on income streams to support FatFIRE. I know the standard 3-4% SWR, or getting $10M and living off ...
To me, at minimum, FatFire is $2.5M plus a paid off home which is $100k plus your home. Any more, will give you more fun. How fast you reach it ...
Income is around $1.5M. House purchase price was $1.9M, but we immediately started a full reno that'll run something like $1.3M, so total cost ...
APs make $350-500k all in depending on tenure and path to partner. 1st year partners make just shy of $1M typically, while that comp grows to ~$ ...
Fat FIRE is having so much money that you probably have multiple houses for different seasons or no permanent dwelling at all. Basically living ...
In my mind fatfire starts at $2m plus a paid off home in a desirable area. So a realistic net worth of $3m is entry level fat fire. If you can ...
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