Google currency converter

With the currency calculator, you can quickly and easily convert amounts between any currencies. In total, there are about 160 different currencies available on ...
Use our currency converter to get live exchange rates for over 200 currencies, including cryptocurrencies. Convert major global currencies now.
Rating as of September 15, 2020. app-store google-play. hand-phone.
Currency converter with live rates for all currencies. Free exchange rates. Saves settings for next use.
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Important features: ✓ Open in a popup in Google Chrome. ✓ It's completely free. ✓ No ads. ✓ Simple design inspired by material design. ✓ ...
My Currency Converter is the simplest, most beautiful currency converter you'll ever find. It supports over 150 different currencies from all around the ...
Historical currency converter at a specific date in the past with official exchange rates from 1953, euro, dollar.
Currency Converter. All Bank of Canada exchange rates are indicative rates only, obtained from averages of aggregated price quotes from financial ...
A very simple currency converter. It can convert the currency of 153 codes. Since the results are fetched from Google directly, you can trust the results :- ...
You always get the best exchange rate with Wise, whether you send, spend, ... your currency at the mid-market rate (that's the one you'll find on Google).
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