How much do wag walkers make reddit

The sub for Wag! Walkers. This sub is separate from r/wag and allows for everyone to share their experiences or ask questions with honest answers from other experienced walkers.
The sub for Wag! Walkers. This sub is separate from r/wag and allows for everyone to share their experiences or ask questions with honest answers from other experienced walkers. ... Reddit's open forum for discussion of all aspects of actual crimes and...
Housesitting for the first time i did a M&G and it went great however i specifically asked them if there was cameras inside the home they pointed out only 1 facing the entrance.Iv'e been sitting in the living room and i notice a camera hidden behind a...
Housesitting for the first time i did a M&G and it went great however i specifically asked them if there was cameras inside the home they pointed out only 1 facing the entrance.Iv'e been sitting in the living room and i notice a camera hidden behind a...
Wag has been dead for a long time, well before this wag pro started. So you're battling with a bunch of desperate walkers for the few remaining walks. Seems like the pro is a last gasp way to extract money from the walkers before they go belly up.
Nothing anyone is going to tell you here is going to be applicable to you. How much you make depends entirely upon how many Wag clients exist in your area, how many Wag walkers, how far you have to drive, whether or not you have to pay for parking,...
I mostly do private clients these days (I do this full time) but I do a few recurring clients and boardings on wag or I'll pick up extra walks if I have a light day/regular clients are out of town, etc. Most I've ever made just on Wag (not...
On those 4 days you can hustle and do as many wag walks as you can, when you are feeling well enough, to pay for any extra expenses that may come up throughout the month, or put it into savings. Depending on your area that's doable. I make $300 to...
The sub for Wag! Walkers. This sub is separate from r/wag and allows for everyone to share their experiences or ask questions with honest answers from other experienced walkers.
The $1 bonus added 50-70 dollars a week and hour long walks would regularly hit full price bonuses. My best day for walks was over 200 after tips. Now with there being so many walker in the app (edited to add: and because walks don't hit high...
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