How to avoid amex charge card limit reddit

You can also ignore anyone that says to only "use 10%-20% of your credit limit" or anyone that talks about a "30% usage rule" or anything ...
Now lets say your starting “behind the scene” limit is $5000. If you spend $4500+ a month for 3-4months Amex can and more than likely will ...
Update - I called Amex and they explained much of the advice given above, but also gave me an opening credit limit range (5k) to start. She ...
Keep in mind that with charge cards, it will not reflect on your overall credit utilization on your credit history. Benefit is that if you need ...
“I don't want the [limit] any higher, I give it to the wife”… quite literally a higher credit limit is the exact opposite of your problem. Your ...
But yes, you can call and reduce the CL on the card. If and when you apply for a new card, Amex will automatically reallocate around your CLs if ...
I would recommend not going above your normal spending more than a couple of times because then things like this happen, and even though you may ...
If you constantly have large spendings and pay off all the balance, they will remove that limit eventually. You can also ask them to do so once ...
Oh, the card definitely has a limit and Amex knows precisely how much credit they're willing to extend to you, but said limit is dynamic and ...
When I first got my card, I had a planned vacation, so my first purchases put me at a few k, and I ended up hitting SUB within 2-3 ...
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