
Humanities for All, an initiative of the National Humanities Alliance Foundation, showcases the full range of these higher ed-based publicly engaged humanities initiatives, presenting a cross-section of over 2,000 undertaken over the past decade from...
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The Displacement Project: Archival Storytelling and the Sisters of the Holy Cross
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Build the Database. We welcome the submission of corrections and new listings for the Humanities for All database.. Contribute to the Humanities for All Blog. The blog welcomes original contributions of 400-500 words highlighting publicly engaged...
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In addition to the Humanities for All database, essays, and blog, we also provide a selection of resources to support those conducting publicly engaged humanities work on campuses around the country.
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Food shapes cultures and histories, politics and economics, personal relations and geographical landscapes. El Paso Food Voices (EPFV), an open source digital archive, begins by embracing the fact that food—how it is remembered, experienced, and...
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Pressing Matters is a public humanities project that facilitates participatory printmaking, visual literacy, and self advocacy for a range of participants in Cleveland, Ohio. Consisting primarily of two components, an art history course at Case Western...
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HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory) is an interdisciplinary community of humanists, artists, social scientists, scientists, and technologists that are changing the way we teach and learn. Our 13,000+ members...
A Photographic Journey Around The Cultural Diversity
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A curated list of websites that are organized by subject. The websites listed under Useful Websites have been reviewed and assessed for content quality. Subject Directory. Arts and Sciences. Health. Business and Public Service. Government Resources.
5. The Wenner-Gren Blog. Continuing the theme of official blogs, here we have the online domain of the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. It mostly posts about the organization's activities, which are good to know about. For...
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