Inditex stores worldwide

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This timeline shows the number of stores of the Inditex Group worldwide from fiscal year 2010 to 2023. As of January 31, 2024, the Inditex Group operated 5,692 stores worldwide,...Inditex Group's number of stores in Asia and Africa 2023, by region;...
In fact, according to a 2023 ranking, Inditex had the fourth highest sales of any clothing and clothing accessories company worldwide. The company’s most famous brand is …
Industria de Diseño Textil, S.A. is a Spanish multinational clothing company headquartered in Arteixo, Galicia, Spain. Inditex, the biggest fast fashion group in the world, operates over 7,200 stores in 93 markets worldwide. The company's flagship brand...
By the end of FY2021, Inditex operated 6,477 stores, down from 6,829 operational stores in 2020. Of the 6,477 stores in 2021, Zara had the most retail space with 1,939 stores, followed by 971 …
Inditex is one of the largest fashion distribution groups worldwide with an integrated platform of stores and online. It has 6,477 stores in 95 markets and is selling online in 215 markets, of …
This timeline shows the number of stores of the Inditex Group worldwide from fiscal year 2010 to 2023.
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Zara Plaça Rei Joan Carles I, Mallorca. JPG. View More. Group
This statistic shows the number of establishments that the different brands of the Spanish group Inditex had in 2023 worldwide. That year, Stradivarius operated 841 stores all over the...
In total, Inditex opens 573 stores worldwide that year, with stores in 73 countries and doubling its size in four years. On the German market, Inditex is already represented by …
This statistic offers the number of stores of the group Inditex from 2016 to 2022, broken down by different geographical areas of the world.
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