List of wars caused by religion

WebThis is a list of wars ordered chronologically by the year that hostilities were initiated. (See also war; law of war; military technology; collective violence.) 1300–1200 bce
WebYes Religion is among the reasons historically countries go to war, it is even a primary cause of some conflicts like the Crusades, Thirty Years' War, and the Lebanese War …
WebMost modern wars, including the Napoleonic Campaign, the American Revolution, the French Revolution, the American Civil War, World War I, the Russia Revolution, …
WebThe breakup of Yugoslavia developed into violence and in the making of new states. Religion is a key factor to picture the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s. Important leaders …
WebWars of Religion, (1562–98) conflicts in France between Protestants and Roman Catholics. The spread of French Calvinism persuaded the French ruler Catherine de Médicis to …
WebIt is often claimed that religion causes conflict and war. It is true that sometimes deeply held beliefs can lead to clashes, and there have been many wars that were caused by …
WebThe great series of western holy wars were the Crusades, which lasted from 1095 until 1291 CE. The aim was to capture the sacred places in the Holy Land from the Muslims who …
WebIn more recent times, since the mid 20th century, violent conflicts along religious lines have frequently been conflated with ethnic issues; examples would include the Israeli …
WebThe conflict among some worshippers of Islam helps us to understand some of the religious violence of today. Islam is one of the world’s largest religions. It refers to the religious …
WebChapter 1. War and the Divine: Is Religion the Cause of Most Wars? Andrew Holt “It is somewhat trite, but nevertheless sadly true, to say that more wars have been waged, …
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