Malaysia population by religion

Of the remaining population, 9.1 percent was Christian; 6.3 percent Hindu; 2.6 Confucian, Taoist, and other Chinese faiths; 0.8 percent practitioners of tribal and folk religions; and 0.4 percent …
About 10% of Malaysia's population are Christians, especially non-Malay Bumiputera and some Malaysian Indian and Malaysian Chinese minorities. The main denominations include Roman …
About 10% of the population of Malaysia are Christians, mostly non-Malay Bumiputera, also including some Malaysian Chinese and Malaysian Indian minorities. The …
Malaysia is a multicultural society with Islam as the dominant religion, whose followers make up 61 per cent of the population, but the constitution guarantees religious …
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The official state religion and the predominant faith of the region, Islam is practiced by about 61.3% (approximately 19.5 million people) of the Malaysian population according to official …
Learn about the religious composition and diversity of Malaysia, based on official statistics and definitions. Compare and contrast the beliefs and practices of different religions, …
Main religions in Malaysia. The largest religion in Malaysia is Islam. Approximately 60% of the population identify as Sunni Muslims who make this demographic in 12 out of 13 national …
The majority religion in Malaysia is Islam, with 61% adherents. A very hight percentage of population, 99.82%, are religious in Malaysia. The latest survey data indicate believers share …
Islam is the official and predominant religion of Malaysia, practiced by around 63% of the population. The majority of Malaysian Muslims follow Sunni Islam, specifically the Shafi’i …
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According to the Population and Housing Census 2000 figures, approximately 60.4 percent of the population practised Islam; 19.2 percent Buddhism; 9.1 percent Christianity; 6.3 percent …
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