Middle east leaders in the 80s

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A Comprehensive Timeline of the Middle East 1980-Present. By rczajkowski14. May 19, 1979. Saddam Hussein Becomes President of Iraq Period: Jan 1, …
WebKeys to Understanding the Middle East: History and Religions of the Middle East; Acknowledgments; Approach of this book; Introduction; A Note on Language; Defining …
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Below, we’ve assembled a chronology of the most essential prime ministers, presidents, generals, and religious leaders that have driven Middle Eastern politics …
This is a list of leaders of Middle Eastern and North African states. It consists …
Open warfare began on September 22, 1980, when Iraqi armed forces invaded western Iran along the countries’ joint border, though Iraq claimed that the war had begun earlier that month, on September 4, …
In the Middle East, two near neighbours have similarly aged elder statesmen at the top. Michel Aoun , 83, is president of Lebanon, while Mahmoud Abbas , 83, is president of the Palestinian...
Iranian Revolution, also called Islamic Revolution, Persian Enqelāb-e Eslāmī, popular uprising in Iran in 1978–79 that resulted in the toppling of the monarchy on …
WebGeography Science and Technology Interactive Timeline (requires Flash) 1980s: Most Libyans enjoy educational opportunities, health care, and housing that are among the …
WebFrom 1981 onward, the Reagan administration feared that conflict between Lebanese factions backed by Syria and Israel, along with clashes between Israel and the Palestine …
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