Planet labs

Planet Labs PBC (formerly Planet Labs, Inc. and Cosmogia, Inc.) is a publicly trading American Earth imaging company based in San Francisco, California. Their goal is to image the entirety of the Earth daily to monitor changes and pinpoint trends. The...
Capture Your Window of Opportunity. Planet was founded with the mission to image the Earth every day and make change visible, accessible, and actionable. Over the past decade with our customers, Planet has revolutionized the Earth observation industry,...
With 10+ billion sq km of imagery, Planet Archive has proprietary datasets back to 2009 and public datasets back to 1972. Get the most recent before and after image available. Monitor historical change and assess trends globally. Train machine learning...
Planet Labs's product is low-cost imaging satellites, known as Doves. Since the first were launched in 2013 - joining the more than 1,100 active satellites in orbit - more than 70 others ...
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