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TOPICS: Particle Physics Popular UC Santa Barbara University of Maryland University of Washington. By University of California - Santa Barbara October 6, 2022. …
Today, scientists report a prototype device that could replace existing “A/Cs” in the future. It uses solid refrigerants to efficiently cool a space and is much more …
Scientists Reveal New Insight Into the Genetic Causes of Autism and ADHD. The study examines genetic variations in the genomes of 34,462 people diagnosed with …
WebAnd it answers (part of) your question as well: blogs. Programmers', researchers', enthusiats' blogs. Then you have subreddits, I guess. The ones I read on a daily basis …
Antibiotic-resistant pathogens could be defeated with the assistance of a synthetic antibiotic. A brand-new antibiotic that was developed at The Rockefeller …
Web• 17 hr. ago by blackie___chan SciTechDaily: Exceptionally Potent – Newly-Discovered Antibodies Can Neutralize Virtually All Known COVID-19 Variants scitechdaily mRNA …
By Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory August 26, 2021 An artistic rendering of antibodies surrounding a SARS-CoV-2 particle. An antibody therapy that …
By Cell Press February 3, 2022. Obesity’s detrimental health effects, such as hypertension and diabetes, stem not merely from an excess of fat, but rather from the …
Read interesting physics news and the latest physics research discoveries on SciTechDaily. Your premier source for the latest revelations, innovations, and research …
Future vaccine development may be inspired by new research findings. Scientists at Boston Children’s Hospital have created an antibody, SP1-77, that …
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