State of delaware dhr office of the secretary

Talent Management. Training & HR Solutions. Women's Advancement. FOIA Request. The State of Delaware is an Equal Opportunity employer and values a diverse workforce. We strongly encourage and seek out a workforce representative of Delaware including...
Discover the insurance coverage, employee and labor relations, talent management, and other benefits offered by the Division of Statewide Benefits at DHR.
Find the forms you need for your human resources needs in Delaware. Download, fill out, and submit forms for insurance, benefits, recognition, and more.
Learn how to enhance your skills, knowledge, and performance with DHR's training and HR solutions. Find courses, resources, and recognition programs for state employees.
Employment - Department of Human Resources - Home Page - Delaware
Section Location Contact; Secretary of Human Resources. 841 Silver Lake Boulevard, Suite 100 Dover, Delaware 19904 SLC - D571. Phone: (302) 739-4195 Fax: (302) 739-3000
Business. We promote Delaware's economy, bringing revenue and jobs to the State by continuing to uphold our position as Corporate Capital of the World and encouraging trade relationships which benefit Delaware businesses.
Electronic Speed Safety Program to begin in I-95/Route 896 Construction Zone. The first 21 days of the program will be a warning period. After the warning period, registered vehicle owners receiving a first offense will receive a base violation of...
Section Location Contact; Secretary of Human Resources. 841 Silver Lake Boulevard, Suite 100 Dover, Delaware 19904 SLC - D571. Phone: (302) 739-4195 Fax: (302) 739-3000
We encourage you to emailor call (302) 739-4195 if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions. Sincerely, Claire DeMatteis. Secretary. Follow us on social media: Classification, Compensation & Talent Acquisition. Diversity, Equity &...
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