Thrift giant
SALES & EVENTS. Find great deals every day at Thrift Giant. Check out our great sales and events. Disclaimer: Our company does not offer any online coupons and is not affiliated with any companies that offer coupons. Any coupons found online are not...
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Thrift Giant Harry Hines. 10544 Harry Hines Blvd, Dallas, TX 75220. (214) 353 - 0441. Monday to Sat 9AM - 8PM | Sun 11AM - 7PM. DIRECTIONS.
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Hot tubs. Cabinetry, counter tops, doors, sinks or toilets. Building materials (bricks, lumber, fence posts, tile etc.) Fuel cans. Magazines. Scrap Fabric. Light fixtures. When you donate, you are part of an earth-saving community that supports local...
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At Thrift Giant, VIP members receive 25% off all full-price items (excluding jewelry) every Sunday! To become a member, download our mobile app to be added to our exclusive email list, access your own VIP card and stay up to date on all upcoming sales...
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Our daily sales change every day, but we do have regular sales every Tuesday and Sunday. Tuesday is Senior day. Ages 60+ get 25% off their purchase. Sunday is VIP day. VIP members can show their card at checkout to get 25% off full priced items...
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Check out our openings at Thrift Giant 121! top of page. HOME. LOCATIONS. VIP PROGRAM. DONATE. SALES CALENDAR. FAQ. CAREERS. More. CURRENT OPENINGS Thrift Giant 121. 2202 TX - 121 BUS, Lewisville, TX 75067 ... Join Our Mailing List. Submit. By signing...
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Thrift Giant Harry Hines. 10544 Harry Hines Blvd, Dallas, TX 75220. (214) 353 - 0441. Monday to Sat 9AM - 8PM | Sun 11AM - 7PM. DIRECTIONS.
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Thrift Giant Profile and History. Irving Thrift opened in May of 1986 and has continued growing for the past 27 years. Thrift Giant followed Irving Thrift as the second store. Thrift Giant opened in 2011, and has been a GIANT success. The store is...
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- 12 yrs old
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Buffalo Exchange ranks as the best chain thrift store. The company has 51 locations, which makes it easier to shop, and according to The Daily, like Crossroads Trading boasts affordable prices and curated on-trend clothes. The company also offers a...
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- 29 yrs old
- 20,496 Site Rank
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- Site Overview
Our daily sales change every day, but we do have regular sales every Tuesday and Sunday. Tuesday is Senior day. Ages 60+ get 25% off their purchase. Sunday is VIP day. VIP members can show their card at checkout to get 25% off full priced items...
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