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We want you to read more and spend less. The ThriftBooks ReadingRewards Program provides registered members of with special reward, discount and promotional offers. This program is for the benefit of individual readers for their own...
Thriftbooks offers free standard shipping in the US on orders over $15, which is pretty incredible. They also have a great program called ReadingRewards where you earn points for referring a friend or buying books or using the app. For instance, in...
ThriftBooks. Price range: $3.59 and up. Book genres: Biographies, memoirs, children's books, nonfiction, young adult and more. One of the best places to find cheap books online is ThriftBooks ...
At the same time, buying new books can be expensive. Three hardbacks may cost $100 or more at today's prices. The book has to be one I want to keep to justify that price. Mass market paperbacks are still generally under $10, and quality paperbacks...
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ThriftBooks is an online bookseller - one of the largest in the US - operating from Prices start from $3.49, so it is a great option if you're looking to save money. Though it mainly sells new and used books, the site also sells...
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ThriftBooks is a large web-based used bookseller headquartered near Seattle, Washington. ThriftBooks sells used books, DVDs, CDs, VHS tapes, video games, and audio cassettes. ThriftBooks' business model "is based on achieving economies of...
If saving money by buying used books is your idea of a good time, then ThriftBooks is a good place to begin your online book-buying spree, whether you seek a bestselling potboiler or a signed first-edition collectible. Orders over $10 ship for free, and...
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