What are the 48 countries in asia alphabetical order

Alphabetical list of countries in Asia. Afghanistan. Armenia. Azerbaijan. Bahrain. Bangladesh. Bhutan. Brunei. Cambodia. China. Cyprus. Georgia. India. Indonesia. Iran. …
Explore - Map of Asia. This is list of all Asian Countries and their Capital cities in alphabetical order, major capital cities of Asia includes Beijing in Chian, New Delhi in …
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China, Japan, Mongolia, North Korea, and South Korea make up Eastern Asia, which has a population of about 1.7 billion people. China, the world’s most populated country, …
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There are 49 Asian countries and 3 territories in Asia listed by alphabetical order, subregion, Population & area in square km. The Largest Countries In Asia By Area. …
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In 2021, according to the United Nations, there are 48 countries in Asia. In addition, there are 3 territories within the continent. What are the 4 major countries in …
Country. Capital. Population (2019) Currency. Showing 1 to 48 of 48 entries. The list of all Asian countries and capitals and currencies shows that China is the most …
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Location Map of Asia. Alphabetical List of Get Provinces in Asia. The following tables lists 48 independent nations in Se in alphabetical order. Hong Kong and Macao are two …
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Information about countries in Asia. Asia. In this article. Asia is the largest of all seven continents making up for 30% of the world’s landmass and almost 60% of the world’s …
There are 48 countries in Asia it is usually grouped into one of the five regional divisions: East Asia, South-East Asia, South Asia, South-West Asia, and …
There are currently 50 countries in Asia. Asia covers about 30% of the world’s land area. In terms of area, Russia is the largest country in Asia, followed by …
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