Why did the alamo happen

Lesson Summary. The Siege of the Alamo was a battle fought between Mexico on one side and Texan soldiers who wished for an independent Texas on the other. The ...
According to Texas lore, it's the site in San Antonio where, in 1836, about 180 Texan rebels died defending the state during Texas' war for ...
... was a major part of the revolution and finally how Texas declared independence and secured it with at the Battle of San Jacinto under Sam ...
Santa Anna and his army of about 1,500 soldiers arrived in February 1836 determined to retake Texas. They laid siege to the fort in order to drive out the ...
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Alamo, 18th-century Franciscan mission in San Antonio, Texas, U.S., that was the site of a historic resistance effort by a small group of determined ...
The 1836 conflict actually took place in what was then Mexico. Anglo settlers, lured to the steamy, snake-filled state of Tejas by the promise ...
The Mexicans were led by the centralist General Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana, a former president of Mexico famous for his military prowess and for ...
In December 1835, during Texas' war for independence from Mexico, a group of Texan volunteer soldiers occupied the Alamo, a former Franciscan ...
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