World development indicators 2023

World Development Indicators (WDI) is the primary World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized international sources. It presents the most current and accurate global development data available, and includes...
Master Instructions — Replicating WDR Files. Global Bilateral Migration Matrix 2000-2010-2020 (by education level) Global Bilateral Migration Matrix 1960-2020. Country Level Immigration and Emigration Rates 2000-2010-2020. Country Level Citizenship Data...
The World Development Indicators (WDI) is the World Bank's premier compilation of international statistics on global development. Drawing from officially recognized sources and including national, regional, and global estimates, the WDI provides...
The World Development Indicators (WDI) is produced by the Development Data Group, and in collaboration with the Bank's regions and Global Practices, as well as external partners. The database is a compilation of relevant, high-quality, and...
Remove topic filter Remove source filter. DataBank is an analysis and visualisation tool that contains collections of time series data on a variety of topics where you can create your own queries, generate tables, charts and maps and easily save, embed...
Atlasof Sustainable Development Goals2023. The Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2023 presents interactive storytelling and data visualizations about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. It highlights trends for selected targets within each goal...
World Development Indicators: Show Metadata Links. Population below national poverty lines
About 2.3 percent of the world's population—184 million people, including 37 million refugees—live outside their country of nationality. Some 43 percent live in low- and middle-income countries. Many countries, at all income levels, are both the...
World Development Indicators: Show Metadata Links. Size of the economy ; Population. Surface area. Population density. Gross national income, Atlas method. Gross national income per capita, Atlas method. Purchasing power parity gross national income....
World Development Indicators (WDI) is the primary World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized international sources. It presents the most current and accurate global development data available, and includes...
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