How do you join a teams meeting

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Join Teams meetings anytime, anywhere, from any device. Teams meetings are best when you join them from the Teams app or Teams on the web, and there's a bunch of ways to do that—read on for details about joining by link, from your calendar, and...
Try it! Join a Microsoft Teams meeting from your calendar, or sign in as a guest on the web. Join a Teams meeting from the app. From you Calendar, select Join on a meeting before it's started, or one that's in-progress.. Turn on your camera,...
Join a Microsoft Teams meeting from your calendar, or sign in as a guest on the web. Join a Teams meeting from the app1. From you Calendar, select Join on a ...
How to join Microsoft Teams meeting 4. Once you are in the meeting, your screen will look as shown below. Tapping the screen will show the menu bar at the bottom which will allow you to control things such as you microphone, camera, or toggling the...
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If you don't have an account, follow these steps to join as a guest. Note: Some meetings don't allow people to join as guests. Go to the meeting invite and select Join Microsoft Teams Meeting. That'll open a web page, where you'll see...