10fastfingers.com is a website that offers free typing tests to measure typing speed and accuracy. Users can choose from a variety of keyboard layouts and different language options to take the test. The website also provides typing games and exercises to improve typing skills. Users can create an account to track their progress over time and compare their typing speed to other users around the world. The site is user-friendly and offers a fun and interactive way to practice and improve typing skills.
fastfingers.netThis site was created and is being developed for you to make 10fastfinger. You can reach ten fast fingers by testing yourself at least five times a day.
Next, edit the wordlist: You can delete/add your own words and customize the duration of the game (choose from 1 minute to 10 minutes) and when you are done click on Apply Settings.educatorstechnology.comAnother interesting feature in 10 Fast Fingers is the ability to create your own typing test. To do so, click on Custom Typing test on the left hand side bar then click on 'Open settings'.
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FounderChristian Strang
17 yrs
United States