Job Accommodation Network is a comprehensive website that serves as a valuable resource for individuals with disabilities, employers, and service providers. The website is managed by the Job Accommodation Network (JAN), which aims to provide information and expert advice on workplace accommodations and the Americans with Disabilities Act. By offering practical tools, publications, and educational resources, helps individuals with disabilities navigate the employment landscape more effectively. It also serves as a platform for employers to learn about inclusive hiring practices and for service providers to access valuable information to support their clients. Overall, serves as a one-stop destination for all things related to workplace accommodations and disability employment.

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This has been a difficult issue for employees who rely on PAS because employers generally are not required to provide accommodations related to services for personal needs.askjan.orgThe Job Accommodation Network (JAN) receives many questions regarding personal assistance services (PAS) from employees with disabilities and their employers.

JAN provides practical solutions that benefit both the employee and the employer.cpr.bu.eduFinally, the Job Accommodation Network will present key findings and recommendations from a long history of working with individuals with mental health impairments and their employers.

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