CAS, also known as Chemical Abstracts Service, is a globally renowned scientific information solutions provider. Their website,, serves as a comprehensive platform for researchers, scientists, and technologists dedicated to advancements in chemistry and related disciplines. CAS offers extensive information and databases, including the renowned Chemical Abstracts, which provide in-depth chemical literature, substance, and reaction information. This invaluable resource offers a wealth of data, enabling users to discover, analyze, and innovate in numerous scientific fields. The website not only serves as a gateway to these resources but also offers valuable tools and services, making it a go-to destination for anyone seeking reliable and up-to-date information in the chemical sciences.
CAS Numbers are up to 10 digits long using the format xxxxxxx-yy-z. They are assigned to a compound as the CAS registers a new compound.thoughtco.comThe CAS database currently contains over 55 million different organic and inorganic chemical compounds. Each CAS entry is identified by their CAS Registry Number, or CAS Number for short.
cas.orgEvery day CAS scientists collect and analyze published scientific literature from around the globe, building the highest quality and most up-to-date collection of scientific information in the world.
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Site age35 yrs old
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PublisherChemical Abstracts Service (United States)
ISO 4Chem. Abstr.
35 yrs
United States