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Newest job postings for culturalcare
via The Muse schedule_type: Full-time
Matching Specialist Cultural Care Au Pair This position is remote, based in a home office within the United States... Please include a Cover Letter with your application. About Cultural Care: At Cultural Care Au Pair, we believe that cultural exchange has the power to make the world a more welcoming, understanding, and open place. We build global families by bringing together international visitors with American host families—providing meaningful Matching Specialist
Cultural Care Au Pair
This position is remote, based in a home office within the United States...

Please include a Cover Letter with your application.

About Cultural Care:

At Cultural Care Au Pair, we believe that cultural exchange has the power to make the world a more welcoming, understanding, and open place. We build global families by bringing together international visitors with American host families—providing meaningful childcare for families, an unforgettable year in America for au pairs, and a culturally enriching experience for both parties.

We are proud to be the largest and most trusted au pair organization in the world, having successfully placed more than 120,000 au pairs into welcoming American homes since 1989. Our program is strictly regulated, and our dedicated staff work together to ensure each participant has the experience of a lifetime.

Here at Cultural Care, we are a team of problem-solvers, relationship-builders, and innovators who are constantly thinking about how we can evolve our program experience, respond to micro- and macro-level challenges, and stay relevant to our global customers.

About the role:

The Matching Specialist role is super dynamic. You are working with host families during a special window of time between when they register for our program and when they select their au pair. The position reports to a Director of Placement & Sales based in either our Austin, Boston or Denver hub offices.

On a daily basis you will listen to our customer’s (sometimes short, sometimes long) list of criteria, and guide them through this very important decision, which will directly affect their lives over the next year or more. You will talk to parents every day about their families, their schedules, their personalities, and their hopes for an amazing cultural exchange experience. If you can connect with people quickly, as well as follow up with a sense of urgency and desire to help, you will be great at this job. We guarantee lots of interesting stories!

This is a truly unique and diverse role in which your aptitude for active listening, problem-solving, keeping details straight and hitting weekly goals are all equally important. Your consultative approach and relationship building skills combined with sales expertise will come in handy. You will be responsible for hitting goals within a defined region. Time management is essential as you keep track of your host families and their needs. Sound overwhelming? It can be. If you’re the type of person that thrives on a challenge and enjoys working in team dynamics along side amazing colleagues, this could be the role for you!

Some things about you:
• You are competitive and love hitting goals.
• You are adept at organizing multiple competing priorities.
• While others are bogged down in the reactive, you find ways to be proactive.
• You truly love talking to people and are excited by the idea of helping create global families.
• Challenge and high-pressure situations excite you – you’d much rather be crazy busy than bored.
• You are resourceful. “I have no idea” is not in your vocabulary. You are solutions oriented.
• Your communication and customer service skills are in a dead heat for first place – you are not one to shy away from a difficult conversation.
• While we will provide the training, you come with the emotional maturity and life experience to coach families on issues of childcare.

Some nitty gritty:

This job requires some Saturday work (4-6 times/year) and our team does have a peak season where, to hit your targets, you will find that extra hours may be necessary. After 1 year, you will be invited to travel to an international Cultural Care office. Sometimes we celebrate hitting goals and honoring overseas visitors with evening dinners and events. We also have opportunities to dress up like superheroes and 90’s Rockstars and attend Disco-themed parties. If this sounds appealing to you—you should apply. Our “over-the-top” culture permeates everything we do.

A few of our benefits:

You’ll enjoy comprehensive professional development, frequent social programming, office-wide fitness opportunities and employee-run social groups (including our “EF-inity” groups: Black@EF, LGBTQ+@EF, Latinos@EF, Asians@EF and Parents@EF). In addition, can expect:
• Three weeks paid vacation your first year (four weeks starting in year two!)
• Market-leading medical, dental and vision coverage as well as life and disability insurance
• 25% company match for your 401(k) plan with Fidelity
• Wellness benefits and a yearly fitness reimbursement
• $1500 annual tuition reimbursement and $500 annual charity matching
• EF Product Discounts (discounts on travel, international language schools, childcare with our Au Pair product and more)
• Dependent care, healthcare and commuter Flex Spending Accounts (FSAs)
• Discounts at local and national venues and businesses
• Laptop and headset provided

Cultural Care Au Pair Equal Opportunity Employer Statement

Cultural Care Au Pair is proud to be an equal opportunity employer and is committed to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment. All qualified applicants will be considered for employment regardless of age, ancestry, color, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, national origin, physical or mental disability, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, parental status, Veteran status, or any other status or characteristic protected by applicable laws, regulations and ordinances. Discrimination or harassment based upon any of these factors is wholly inconsistent with everything we believe in and will not be tolerated. Furthermore, such discrimination or harassment may violate the laws and regulations in the locations in which we operate.

About EF Education First

At EF we believe that the world is better when people try to understand one another. Since 1965, we have helped millions of people see new places, experience new cultures, and learn new things about the world and about themselves. Our culturally immersive education programs—focused on language, travel, cultural exchange, and academics—turn dreams into international opportunities.

When you join EF, you join a multicultural and diverse community working across more than 600 schools and offices in 50 countries, all with one shared mission of opening the world through education. Whoever you are, whatever you are passionate about—we welcome you and want you to bring that to work every day. EF is proud to be an equal opportunity employer and we are committed to inclusion and belonging across race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, caste, parental status, identity, experience and everything else that makes you unique.

Founded in Sweden in 1965, EF has school and offices around the world, including hubs in Boston, London, Mexico City, São Paulo, Shanghai, Stockholm, Zürich, and more. Learn more at
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via ZipRecruiter
Somies en crear impacte? A Cultural Care Au Pair estem buscant algú per a la posició de Sales Coordinator a les nostres oficines de Barcelona per ajudar-nos a fer crèixer el mercat aconseguint els nostres objectius que consisteixen en seguir sent el programa d’Au Pair més gran i de més confiança a nivell mundial. Aconseguir ventes a Cultural Care significa que jugues un paper molt important en fer un món millor, més acollidor, comprensiu Somies en crear impacte? A Cultural Care Au Pair estem buscant algú per a la posició de Sales Coordinator a les nostres oficines de Barcelona per ajudar-nos a fer crèixer el mercat aconseguint els nostres objectius que consisteixen en seguir sent el programa d’Au Pair més gran i de més confiança a nivell mundial.

Aconseguir ventes a Cultural Care significa que jugues un paper molt important en fer un món millor, més acollidor, comprensiu i obert.

El nostre programa d’intercanvi construeix families globals ajuntant les nostres au pairs amb families Americanes d’acollida aportant una feina cuidant a nens amb molt significat per les families, és un any inolvidable als Estats Units per les au pairs, i una experiencia molt enriquidora culturalment per les dues parts.

En aquesta posició de ventes reportaràs al Country Product Manager la teva feina. Estem buscant a algú que li apassionin els intercanvis culturals, que sigui responsable i autònom amb una inclinació positiva cap a les... ventes i que tingui facilitat comunicatives i socials, tant en persona com al telèfon.

El que faràs:
• Fer créixer el mercat espanyol en la regió que tinguis assignada, agafant la responsabinlitat de la mateixa i aconseguint els teus objetcius de venta.
• Crear ventes treballant amb escoles, universitats, centres d’estudis, fires i institucions locals per crear i expandir la imatge de marca.
• Conduïr les ventes al telèfon responent les necessitats dels nostres clients.
• Reclutar, seleccionar i encoratjar als au pairs potencials.
• Oferir una atenció al client excel.lent.
• Organitzar i atendre events promocionals.

Qualificacions personals:
• Tens passió per les ventes i per crear impacte promocionant l’intercanvi cultural.
• T’agrada conectar amb gent per telèfon i en persona, tens habilitats socials i entens les necessitats del client de manera que pots vendre el noste programa amb èxit.
• Creus que res és imposible i t’agrada trobar solucions.
• Tens orientació cap a aconseguir objectius de venta.
• Ets responsable de les teves idees i fas que succeeixin.
• T’organitzes bé el temps i tens inclinació cap a les ventes.
• Vols formar part d’un equip unit, que s’ajuda i que s’ho passa bé mentre aconsegueix els seus objectius de venta.

Requeriments Professionals:
• Tenir Bachillerat
• 1+ any d’experiència en ventes amb resultats aconseguits
• Almenys 6 mesos vivint al extranger (preferentment)
• Capacitat per vendre per telèfon I en persona
• Català, Castellà i Anglès.
• Bona presència i hablitat per parlar en públic.

Lo que ofrecemos:
• Ambient internacional i dinàmic amb aires d’start-up.
• Salari base de 22-25k anuals + bonus potencials.
• Formacions regulars, events en equip, kick-offs i trobades globals
• Expandir les teves connexions internacionals a través nostres oportunitats de desenvolupament professions amb col.legues d’arreu del món.
• Oportunitat de viajar internacionalment, per exemple: staff exchanges a les nostres oficines d’Estats Units o als nostres mercats d’Europa per desenvolupar-te professionalent.
• Descomptes als programes EF
• I més…

Si estás motivat per fer carrera internacional en una empresa amb visió de futur, et volem conèixer.

Si us plau, aplica a l’oferta, incluïnt el teu CV i una carta de presentació en Anglès.

Qui som:

A Cultural Care Au Pair, creiem que l'intercanvi cultural té el poder de fer del món un lloc més acollidor, comprensiu i obert. Estem orgullosos de ser l'organització d'au pair més gran i experimentada del món, després d'haver col·locat amb èxit més de 120.000 au pairs en llars acollidores nord-americanes des de 1989. El nostre programa està estrictament regulat pel Departament d'Estat i el nostre personal dedicat treballa conjuntament per garantir cada participant té l'experiència de tota la vida.

Cultural Care Au Pair està associat a EF Education First, líder mundial en educació internacional. A EF creiem que el món és millor quan la gent intenta entendre's. Des de 1965, hem ajudat a milions de persones a veure llocs nous, experimentar noves cultures i aprendre coses noves sobre el món i sobre ells mateixos. Els nostres programes d'educació culturalment immersius, centrats en l'idioma, els viatges, l'intercanvi cultural i els estudis acadèmics, converteixen els somnis en oportunitats internacionals.

Cultural Care s'enorgulleix de ser una empresa que ofereix igualtat d'oportunitats i estem compromesos amb la inclusió i la pertinença per raça, ètnia, identitat/expressió de gènere, orientació sexual, edat, religió, habilitat, estat parental, experiència i tot el que et faci únic. Per obtenir més informació sobre les nostres oportunitats professionals, visiteu

Declaració d'igualtat d'oportunitats laborals de Cultural Care:

Cultural Care s'enorgulleix de ser una empresa d'igualtat d'oportunitats i es compromet a oferir als empleats un entorn de treball lliure de discriminació i assetjament. Tots els sol·licitants qualificats seran considerats per a l'ocupació independentment de l'edat, ascendència, color, identitat de gènere, expressió de gènere, estat civil, origen nacional, discapacitat física o mental, raça, religió, sexe (inclòs l'embaràs), orientació sexual, estat parental, veterà. estat, o qualsevol altre estat o característica protegida per les lleis, reglaments i ordenances aplicables. La discriminació o l'assetjament basat en qualsevol d'aquests factors és totalment incompatible amb tot allò en què creiem i no serà tolerat. A més, aquesta discriminació o assetjament pot infringir les lleis i regulacions dels llocs on operem.

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via Bank Of Montserrat posted_at: 16 days agoschedule_type: Full-time
Cultural Care Au Pair is now hiring Customer Relations Manager in Remote. View job listing details and apply now. The Customer Relations Manager is a vital position within our cultural exchange program You will provide our host families and au pairs with exceptional customer service In this role you will report to the Director of Customer Relations and collaborate with supportive colleagues to provide guidance to our customers during some of the most Cultural Care Au Pair is now hiring Customer Relations Manager in Remote. View job listing details and apply now. The Customer Relations Manager is a vital position within our cultural exchange program You will provide our host families and au pairs with exceptional customer service In this role you will report to the Director of Customer Relations and collaborate with supportive colleagues to provide guidance to our customers during some of the most challenging times including facilitating new home placements when customers decide to end their current hosting or au pair experience With a heavy emphasis on conflict resolution and mediation you will focus on coaching families and au pairs on effective skills to be successful on the program Some things about you You are approachable offering a calming presence and can maintain a positive outlook even when circumstances are challenging You are an excellent coach with great judgment You have the ability to assess a situation fairly you... express empathy when providing solutions and you can keep a clear head You are able to distill crucial information from multiple viewpoints and share clear directives and a plan to move forward You are an excellent active listener who provides detailed follow-through You are a creative problem solver keeping the customer at the center of your decisions and know when to involve others You love collaborating with people from all roles in Cultural Care You can motivate and lead your host families and au pairs to a positive resolution Some nitty gritty Work from your home office during standard business hours There will be travel opportunities approximately 2 times a year when safe travel resumes Our benefits amp perks Whether you are working in one of our beautiful and modern hub offices in Austin Boston or Denver or from the convenience of your home office you will enjoy comprehensive professional development frequent social programming and events sponsored by our employee-run EFinity groups AccessibilityEF APIEF BlackEF FaithEF IndigenousEF JewishEF LatinxEF LGBTQEF MENAEF and Parents EF In addition you can also expect Development Robust professional growth opportunities interacting with colleagues from all around the world including our initial new hire onboarding monthly trainings quarterly global staff meetings workshops and inspiring sessions with global leaders and experts Vacation Three weeks paid vacation your first year four weeks starting in year two and nine paid holidays Retirement 25 company match on your 401k Insurance Excellent medical dental and vision coverage along with life and disability insurance dependent care coverage and flexible spending accounts FSAs Travel Paid international business travel when we resume travel restrictions due to Covid Selfcare Wellness benefits and a yearly fitness reimbursement Discounts EF program discounts including personal travel language schools and childcare as well as discounts at some local venues and area businesses Compensation total earnings in year one up to 58000 Base salary starts at 5000 plus 8k bonus potential About Cultural Care Au Pair At Cultural Care Au Pair we believe that cultural exchange has the power to make the world a more welcoming understanding and open place We build global families by bringing together international visitors with American host familiesproviding meaningful childcare support for families an unforgettable year in America for au pairs and a culturally enriching experience for both parties We are proud to be the largest and most experienced au pair organization in the world having successfully placed more than 120000 au pairs into welcoming American homes since 1989 Our program is strictly regulated by the Department of State and our dedicated staff work together to ensure each participant has the experience of a lifetime Here at Cultural Care we are a team of problem-solvers relationship-builders and innovators who are constantly thinking about how we can improve our program experience respond to both micro and macro level business challenges and evolve to stay relevant to our global audiences Cultural Care Au Pair is associated with EF Education First the world leader in international education At EF we believe that the world is better when people try to understand one another Since 1965 we have helped millions of people see new places experience new cultures and learn new things about the world and about themselves Our culturally immersive education programsfocused on language travel cultural exchange and academicsturn dreams into international opportunities Cultural Care is proud to be an equal opportunity employer and we are committed to inclusion and belonging across race ethnicity gender identityexpression sexual orientation age religion ability parental status experience and everything else that makes you unique For more information about our career opportunities visit wwwcareersefcom Cultural Care Equal Opportunity Employment Statement Cultural Care is proud to be an equal opportunity employer and is committed to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment All qualified applicants will be considered for employment regardless of age ancestry color gender identity gender expression marital status national origin physical or mental disability race religion sex including pregnancy sexual orientation parental status Veteran status or any other status or characteristic protected by applicable laws regulations and ordinances Discrimination or harassment based upon any of these factors is wholly inconsistent with everything we believe in and will not be tolerated Furthermore such discrimination or harassment may violate the laws and regulations in the locations in which we operate Show more details...
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