Digital Vidya is a leading digital marketing training platform that offers comprehensive courses and certifications in various domains of digital marketing. With a vision to empower individuals and organizations with the necessary digital skills, the website provides a range of courses including SEO, social media marketing, content marketing, web analytics, and more. Digital Vidya's courses are designed by industry experts and trainers who provide practical knowledge, case studies, and hands-on experience to enable learners to excel in their digital marketing efforts. Through their online and offline training programs, Digital Vidya has successfully trained over 35,000 professionals from more than 55 countries, making it a trusted and valuable resource in the field of digital marketing education.
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CountryHosted in India
CityAshburn, Virginia
Latitude\Longitude39.0437 / -77.4875 Google Map
Traffic rank#30,861 Site Rank
Site age14 yrs old
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14 yrs