is an internet domain name and hosting provider. They provide domain name registration, website hosting, email hosting, SSL certificates and more. They offer competitive rates and excellent customer service. The user-friendly website makes it easy to search for and buy a domain name, manage hosting and other services, and access support. You can also use their online tools to create a website, manage DNS records, and access other features. is committed to providing an ethical and secure service, and they are dedicated to protecting their customers' data. They are one of the leading providers in the industry, and their goal is to make the internet a better place.
Gandi allows you to create personal email accounts that are connected directly to your domain name.sitegeek.comGandi is a company for all – individuals, small startups, medium-sized businesses as well as large companies can make use of the Gandi web hosting packages.
This server, which uses Cloudflare, is built on Anycast infrastructure, distributed across more than 200 cities to ensure optimum redundancy:news.gandi.netFor the most critical domain names, Gandi Corporate Services offers Advanced DNS, which provides you with an extra DNS server linked to the other three LiveDNS servers.
Keeping a computer constantly running takes a lot of maintenance. Encryption means scrambling the message in a particular way so that only the intended recipient will be able to read the offers SSL certificates to our users, and we even give you a free 1-year standard certificate with every domain purchase.
EncryptedSite is Encrypted
CountryHosted in France
CityParis, Paris
Latitude\Longitude48.8323 / 2.4075 Google Map
Traffic rank#3,372 Site Rank
Site age25 yrs old
Site Owner informationWhois info
OwnerMontefiore Investment
Founder(s)Pierre Beyssac,Laurent Chemla,Valentin Lacambre
Key peopleStephan Ramoin
Type of siteSociété par actions simplifiée
Area servedWorldwide
ServicesDomain name registration,Web hosting,Blog hosting service,Email hosting
25 yrs