is an online auction platform that connects government agencies and educational institutions to sell surplus or confiscated items. With over 9,000 agencies listed, it offers a wide range of assets, including vehicles, equipment, and furniture. Buyers can browse through various categories and bid on items of interest. The website ensures transparency in the auction process, providing detailed descriptions, photos, and the ability to ask questions. provides a convenient and cost-effective solution for government agencies to sell surplus items while giving buyers access to quality products at competitive prices.
The CAS will provide Client with the following capabilities: Accept descriptive information concerning an asset including unlimited photos Allow different auction phases based upon dates and timesgacities.comAccess to a GovDeals online “Client Asset Server” (CAS), which will allow Client to load assets to the online auction system, maintain information about assets and view and run reports.
Yet the company was very productive and forward thinking without becoming rote and boring.indeed.comGovDeals was a very fun and relaxing place to work. Everyone was very "at ease" when doing their jobs and everyone worked hard to get along.
Client agrees to remit payment to GovDeals within thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of invoice, unless an applicable prompt payment act or similar legislation specifies a different time period.gacities.comIf Client elects to collect auction proceeds, GovDeals will invoice Client for fees on the first business day of the month following the month assets are sold.
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Traffic rank#35,849 Site Rank
Site age25 yrs old
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Parent organizationLiquidity Services
25 yrs
United States