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via Nature posted_at: 26 days agoschedule_type: Full-time
PhD/Postdoc on spatial transcriptomics in metabolic and cardiovascular disease A PhD student and a Postdoc position are available in the group of Dr. Joan Camuñas-Soler at the University of Gothenburg. The candidates will develop new computational and experimental methods to integrate measurements of cell function with gene expression using spatial transcriptomics in cardiac and pancreatic tissue. These positions are funded by a Wallenberg Molecular PhD/Postdoc on spatial transcriptomics in metabolic and cardiovascular disease

A PhD student and a Postdoc position are available in the group of Dr. Joan Camuñas-Soler at the University of Gothenburg. The candidates will develop new computational and experimental methods to integrate measurements of cell function with gene expression using spatial transcriptomics in cardiac and pancreatic tissue. These positions are funded by a Wallenberg Molecular Medicine Fellow Award and include unique training and networking opportunities.

About the lab and the Institute

The Camuñas-Soler lab stands at the interface of genomics, biophysics, and precision medicine. Our mission is to develop new single-cell technologies and non-invasive molecular diagnostic tools to understand and predict cellular dysfunction in human disease. Our research is interdisciplinary in nature and combines approaches from molecular engineering, biophysics, and computational biology. For more information about the lab... and team, visit

As a member of the lab, you will be part of an international and dynamic group of experimental and computational biologists within the Wallenberg Center of Molecular and Translational Medicine (WCMTM) and the Institute of Biomedicine at the University of Gothenburg. The lab is located on the Medicinareberget campus, providing close collaboration with clinical partners in Sahlgrenska University Hospital, the largest hospital in Sweden and second largest in Europe. This creates a unique environment to develop new quantitative tools to study human tissue.

The University of Gothenburg tackles society’s challenges with diverse knowledge. 56 000 students and 6 600 employees make the university a large and inspiring place to work and study. Strong research and attractive study programmes attract scientists and students from around the world. Gothenburg is quickly becoming a hub for the life sciences in the Nordics, with a strong focus on research and innovation. The region is home to Scandinavia’s largest university hospital and one of AstraZeneca’s three globally strategic R&D centres. The city is home to several prestigious universities, including the University of Gothenburg, as well as several large research centers and institutes, such as the Wallenberg Center of Molecular and Translational Medicine (WCMTM), which brings together experts in multiple fields to tackle important biomedical questions. New initiatives such as the GoCo Health Innovation City and BioVentureHub are creating a world-class innovation cluster for the life sciences. This combination of strong academic and industry presence has created a vibrant and growing ecosystem for biomedical research which fosters innovation and entrepreneurship.

The Project

This project seeks to integrate measurements of cell physiology with spatial transcriptomics in human tissue. The Postdoc and PhD candidates joining this project will generate and analyze in-house datasets by multimodal single-cell sequencing and spatial transcriptomics of matched tissue samples. You will have access to unique samples obtained from cardiac and pancreatic biopsies to study cardiovascular and metabolic disease. The lab also supports and open and interdisciplinary approach to science, and therefore options to collaborate in other ongoing projects will be encouraged. These may include the development of new machine learning methods to study autoimmune diseases through single-cell RNA sequencing, early diagnostics using cell-free nucleic acids, and the study of unique environmental samples.

This position is funded by a Wallenberg Molecular Medicine Fellow award and provides additional training and networking opportunities through the WCMTM. These include open-events, kick-off meetings and collaborations with other Wallenberg Centers across Sweden as well as pharmaceutical companies such as Astra-Zeneca. The Camuñas-Soler lab also has a broad network of international collaborators, such as the Chan-Zuckerberg BioHub in San Francisco or the University of New South Wales in Sydney.


PhD candidates. A MSc in a quantitative science (Physics, Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Bioinformatics, Bioengineering) or related fields is advantageous. An initial experience with coding (e.g. Python, R) and bash/shell scripting is required. Experience with machine-learning associated packages, and or single-cell tools is an advantage.

Postdoctoral candidates. A PhD in the natural sciences, life sciences, informatics, mathematics is required. Experience working with tissue samples is highly valued (cryosectioning and/or acute technique). Additional experience with imaging or electrophysiology to study tissue physiology is also beneficial. Familiarity with single-cell sequencing experimental methods and computational tools is valued, as well as knowledge of programming (Python, R, bash) and workflow management tools (snakemake, nextflow).

Candidates with a background in Molecular or Cell Biology and a strong motivation to learn programming are also encouraged to apply.

What we offer:
• State-of-the-art compute infrastructure and research facilities.
• State-of-the-art lab facilities for single-cell genomics methods.
• A stimulating research environment.
• A supportive environment to grow your skills, with multiple opportunities to collaborate and learn from other team members.
• Mentoring and career orientation whether you wish to pursue an academic path or work in industry.
• Contribute to novel scientific discoveries and technologies.
• Your work will have a big and lasting impact, as we are still a small team.

PhD position: Fixed-term employment, 4 years. Extensions may be available when teaching.

Postdoc position: Fixed-term employment, 2 years. Extensions may be available.

Additional details on the employment conditions for each position can be found in the links below.

How to apply?

You can apply via the University of Gothenburg’s recruitment portal. Please include a brief motivation letter, CV, and contact information of 2 references.

Application for the PhD application, apply by 2023-03-06:

Application for the postdoctoral position, apply by 2023-03-10:

Contact information

For further information please contact:

Dr. Joan Camuñas-Soler

Assistant Professor

Dept.of Biochemistry & Cell Biology

Wallenberg Center for Molecular and Translational Medicine

University of Gothenburg

Medicinaregatan 9A | SE-413 90 Gothenburg Sweden



Information for International Applicants

Choosing a career in a foreign country is a big step. Thus, to give you a general idea of what we and Gothenburg have to offer in terms of benefits and life in general for you and your family/spouse/partner please visit:

The University works actively to achieve a working environment with equal conditions and values the qualities that diversity brings to its operations. Salaries are set individually at the University
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via Academic Careers schedule_type: Full-timesalary: 63K–90K a year
The University of Gothenburg in Sweden has 38 000 students and 6 000 employees making it one of the largest universities in Scandinavia. Strong research and study programs attract scientists and students from around the world. Our research group at the Marine Sciences Department is leading a large international project and is looking for candidates to fill a research manager and several post-doc and PhD positions with a research focus on one of the The University of Gothenburg in Sweden has 38 000 students and 6 000 employees making it one of the largest universities in Scandinavia. Strong research and study programs attract scientists and students from around the world. Our research group at the Marine Sciences Department is leading a large international project and is looking for candidates to fill a research manager and several post-doc and PhD positions with a research focus on one of the following topics (i) shellfish neuroendocrine physiology; or (ii) microalgal production for shellfish aquaculture; or (iii) waste management and engineering in recirculating aquaculture or aquaponics.

The ideal candidates will have good lab skills, organizational skills, and a desire to work closely with industry (aquaponics, aquaculture and hydroponics producers). Our group working on a wide range of research topics such as waste revalorization in aquaculture (mostly recirculating aquaculture systems) / novel feed ingredients for finfish... / finfish and shellfish pathology / developing new aquaculture engineering designs / microbial aspects of waste digestion (wastewater engineering) / biofloc and biofilm formation / and neuroendocrine pathways in shellfish. More information about the research group can be found here:

As we have several positions to fill, applicants from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply or contact the PI regarding other opportunities even if they don't possess the exact qualifications below
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via Jobb Inom Universitet Och Högskola | Universitetsrekrytering schedule_type: Full-time
Doktorandanställning i Statsvetenskap Ref PAR 2020/1453 Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 49 000 studenter och 6 400 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid. Statsvetenskapliga institutionen Doktorandanställning i Statsvetenskap

Ref PAR 2020/1453

Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 49 000 studenter och 6 400 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.

Statsvetenskapliga institutionen är en öppen och samhällsengagerad institution, mitt i staden och mitt i debatten. Vår forskning kretsar kring val, demokrati, korruption, styrningsformer, globalisering, miljö och politik samt europafrågor. Institutionen är värd för forskningsprogram så som QoG institutet, Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem), Centre for Collective Action Research (CeCAR), Governance and Local Development (GLD) och Svenska valforskningsprogrammet. Vi har utbildning på alla nivåer: grundnivå, avancerad nivå och forskarnivå, samt fristående kurser. Undervisning ges på både... svenska och engelska. Totalt studerar omkring 1 400 personer hos oss. Statsvetenskapliga institutionen har runt 140 anställda. Vi finns i centrala lokaler i Göteborg.

Mer information om institutionen finns på vår hemsida

Statsvetenskapliga institutionen söker nu en kvalificerad och motiverad person för doktorandanställning i statsvetenskap med allmän inriktning.

En doktorand bedriver forskning och förväntas bidra till kunskapsutvecklingen inom ämnet. Doktoranden förväntas utveckla egna idéer och kommunicera vetenskapliga resultat både muntligt och skriftligt.

Doktorandanställningens mål är att doktoranden ska utveckla sådana kunskaper och färdigheter som fordras för att självständigt kunna bedriva forskning inom statsvetenskap samt att bidra till kunskapsutvecklingen inom ämnet genom framställandet av en vetenskaplig avhandling. En doktorandanställning i statsvetenskap syftar också till att doktoranden utvecklar förmågan att omsätta uppnådda vetenskapliga färdigheter och kunskaper i fortsatt forskningsarbete eller i annat kvalificerat yrkesarbete.

Anställningen är tidsbegränsad till fyra år på heltid. Arbetet bedrivs på heltid (om inte särskilda skäl finns för lägre studietakt). I anställningen kan institutionstjänstgöring som till exempel undervisning komma att ingå med upp till
20 % av heltid fördelat över hela studietiden. Vid institutionstjänstgöring förlängs anställningen med motsvarande tid.

Både grundläggande och särskild behörighet krävs för antagning.

Grundläggande behörighet till utbildning på forskarnivå har den som har (Högskoleförordningen 7 kap, 39 §):
• avlagt en examen på avancerad nivå,
• fullgjort kursfordringar om minst 240 högskolepoäng, varav minst 60 högskolepoäng på avancerad nivå, eller
• på något annat sätt inom eller utom landet förvärvat i huvudsak motsvarande kunskaper.

Särskild behörighet till utbildning på forskarnivå har den som har (Högskoleförordningen 7 kap, 40 §) kunskaper från högskoleutbildning inom statsvetenskap om minst
60 högskolepoäng, eller annan högskoleutbildning av motsvarande omfattning och fördjupning.

Särskild behörighet har också den som i annan ordning inom eller utom landet förvärvat i huvudsak motsvarande kunskaper.

Urval bland sökande skall enligt Högskoleförordningen 7 kapitel ske med hänsyn till förmåga att tillgodogöra sig utbildningen samt institutionens handledarresurser. Som grund för denna bedömning kommer följande att användas:
• Relevant arbete som visar på den sökandes förmåga att formulera, avgränsa och analysera forskningsuppgifter samt presentera forskningsresultat.
• En projektskiss i vilken den sökande anger forskningsintresse samt planerat avhandlingsområde. Projektskissen skall visa förtrogenhet med tidigare och aktuell forskning samt förmåga att formulera vetenskapliga problem. Max 2 500 ord (ca 6 sidor).
• Akademiska betyg.
• Tidigare meriter.
• Intervjuer ingår som en del i urvalsprocessen.
• Sökande kan senare ombes att inkomma med rekommendationsbrev.

Plats på utbildning kan också beredas för personer vilka är anställda av annan arbetsgivare och vilkas studier finansieras av dennes arbetsgivare så kallad samverkansdoktorand.

Grunderna för antagning är i övrigt desamma som för övriga sökande. Ett särskilt avtal upprättas då.

Ansökningarna bereds av en arbetsgrupp, beslut om antagning fattas av prefekten. Intervjuer med ett urval av sökande kan genomföras. Beslut om antagning meddelas under april månad och kan inte överklagas.

Registrera din ansökan elektroniskt under ”ansök online”. För att ansökan ska vara komplett ska den innehålla:

1) Presentationsbrev på maximalt 1 000 ord (ca 2 sidor), gärna kortare.
Brevet ska innehålla fyra paragrafer i följande ordning:
a) en kort presentation av dig själv,
b) en kort presentation av dina meriter,
c) en kort presentation av det tänkta forskningsprojektet och
d) en kort redogörelse för varför Statsvetenskapliga institutionen är intressant för dig.

2) CV inklusive en publikationslista (om publikationslista finns).

3) En uppsats. I normalfallet bifogas examensarbetet (oftast magister- eller masteruppsats), men det kan även vara en bearbetning eller vidareutveckling av uppsatsen, exempelvis en artikel, ett bokkapitel eller annat likartat arbete.
Vi beaktar endast texter på svenska och engelska eller översättningar till något av dessa språk. Vid översättning ska även originaltext bifogas och texten ska översättas i sin helhet.

4) Projektskiss i vilken den sökande anger forskningsintresse samt planerat avhandlingsområde och forskningsinriktning. Projektskissen ska visa förtrogenhet med tidigare och aktuell forskning samt förmåga att formulera vetenskapliga problem. Max 2.500 ord (ca 6 sidor) inklusive abstract, exklusive referenslista. Anvisningar för skissens utformande finner du här:

5) Vidimerade kopior av akademiska betyg samt intyg på eventuellt andra relevanta meriter.

6) Sökande kan ombes att inkomma med rekommendationsbrev senare i processen. Om så är fallet kommer vi att kontakta dig och be dig inkomma med två rekommendationsbrev. Kontakta gärna två möjliga brevskrivare redan nu och förbered de på att skicka in breven enligt instruktioner. Vänligen skicka inte in några rekommendationsbrev förrän vi kontaktar dig. Anvisningar om rekommendationsbrevens innehåll och utförande hittar du här:

Observera att det åligger den sökande att ansökan är komplett och att inkompletta ansökningar eller kompletteringar efter sista ansökningsdatum inte kommer att beaktas.

Alla elektroniska dokument ska skickas in som PDF-filer. Eventuell vetenskaplig publikation, skrift och liknande, såsom rekommendationsbrev, som inte finns i elektronisk form ska skickas till (märk dina dokument med diarienumret):

Göteborgs universitet
Statsvetenskapliga institutionen
Att. Anne-Marie Deresiewicz
Box 711
405 30 Göteborg

Ansökan ska vara inkommen senast: 2021-02-05.

Anställningsform: Tidsbegränsad anställning, fyra år.
Omfattning: 100 %
Placering: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Göteborg
Tillträde: 2021-09-01.

Bestämmelser för anställning som doktorand återfinns i förordning SFS 1993:100. Som doktorand får enbart förordas den som är antagen till utbildning på forskarnivå. Förutom skyldighet att ägna sig åt egen forskarutbildning kan doktorand åläggas att fullgöra tjänstgöring som avser utbildning, forskning och administrativt arbete enligt särskilda bestämmelser i förordningen.

En ny anställning som doktorand gäller för högst ett år. Anställningen får förnyas med högst två år i taget. Den sammanlagda anställningstiden får dock inte vara längre än vad som motsvarar fyra års utbildning på forskarnivå på heltid. Universitet tillämpar lokalt avtal om lönesättning av doktorander.
Kontaktuppgifter för anställningen

För förfrågningar om anställningen kontakta:

Mikael Persson, studierektor forskarutbildningen


Anne-Marie Deresiewicz, forskningsadministratör (kontaktas till och med 21-02-05)


Lena Caspers, forskningsadministratör (kontaktas från och med 21-02-08)

Fackliga organisationer

Fackliga företrädare vid Göteborgs universitet hittar du här:

Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser.


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via Contact schedule_type: Full-time
The present position is funded by the project EDAR, a collaboration between the universities of Gothenburg, Princeton and Umeå, supported by the Swedish Research Council to develop a multidisciplinary research environment on the environmental dimensions of antibiotic resistance. For this reason, while the planned doctoral thesis will be in practical philosophy, it must fit the area, as well as the multidisciplinary nature, of EDAR. EDAR is directed The present position is funded by the project EDAR, a collaboration between the universities of Gothenburg, Princeton and Umeå, supported by the Swedish Research Council to develop a multidisciplinary research environment on the environmental dimensions of antibiotic resistance. For this reason, while the planned doctoral thesis will be in practical philosophy, it must fit the area, as well as the multidisciplinary nature, of EDAR. EDAR is directed by Joakim Larsson, scientific director of CARe, and the bioethical research is led by Erik Malmqvist and Christian Munthe, who will supervise the successful candidate.

Find out more in
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via Get.It posted_at: 12 days agoschedule_type: Full-time
We are seeking a candidate for a Postdoc position in the general area of bivalve or crustacean physiology and neuroendocrinology. Several possible tangents can be pursued depending on the interests of the candidate and their background/skills. The first possible angle could be in trace mineral / vitamin metabolic pathways in key commercial species of bivalve mollusks. As in human nutrition, vitamins and minerals are needed by mollusks and crustaceans We are seeking a candidate for a Postdoc position in the general area of bivalve or crustacean physiology and neuroendocrinology. Several possible tangents can be pursued depending on the interests of the candidate and their background/skills.

The first possible angle could be in trace mineral / vitamin metabolic pathways in key commercial species of bivalve mollusks. As in human nutrition, vitamins and minerals are needed by mollusks and crustaceans for growth and survival. Relative to macronutrients, these micronutrients are required in scant amounts relative to gross intake, but are crucial for key metabolic processes. In livestock and finfish aquaculture production, micronutrient requirements for both vitamins and minerals are largely known, thus allowing for feed formulations designed to optimize production values based on known nutrient compositions. Key vitamin and mineral requirements for many mollusk and crustacean species are not comparatively well researched, despite the... significant impact of micronutrients on metabolic activity, growth and survival, especially during early development stages. Thus, we propose a series of experiments working directly with vitamin B12, taurine and zinc metabolism in key commercial mollusk and crustacean species.

A second focus of the position, with the same funded project, could be on neuroendocrinology of bivalve mollusks. Surprisingly little is also known about the nature of neuroendocrine function in mollusks, despite the fact that many neuroendocrine compounds, including serotonin, catecholamines and estrogenic compounds that regulate reproduction in humans are also found in bivalve mollusks. Catecholamines such as epinephrine are routinely used in aquaculture hatcheries to induce metamorphosis in many bivalve mollusk species, but little is known about the pathways of action or the hormonal events preceding this stage of development, including gametogenesis and spawning.

Neurohormones regulate the physiology in all higher eukaryotes, but in recent years, anthropogenic sources of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) in the marine environment from wastewater discharge, industrial contaminants and agriculture have become serious concerns as they disrupt reproductive physiology in a wide range of marine organisms. As mollusks are key species in marine ecosystems, large-scale breeding failures due to pollutants have cascading effects on marine ecosystems.
Although mammalian and fish sex hormones have been comparatively well-studied, the role of hormones in mollusks is an emerging field, where recent breakthroughs in genetic and molecular techniques offer the potential for exciting new discoveries. The aquaculture industry for instance is very interested in gaining a better understanding of bivalve endocrinology in order to predict, or even control, the sex ratio of breeding populations, as increasing egg production or the ability to select for sex can greatly improve productivity. A better knowledge of hormonal pathways in mollusks, for instance, can provide hatcheries with better control over the timing of sexual maturation, help synchronize fertilization or improve survival during metamorphosis.

The position could involve work with key species of commercial mollusks to:
The role of specific EDCs and their interference with functioning of the reproductive system, such as abnormal gonad structure and differentiation, intersexuality and sex reversal;
Chemical and physical methods for inducing synchronized female gonad development and egg release based on specific endogenous compounds known to be associated with female gamete maturation in other invertebrate species;
Neurohormonal pathways controlling settlement and metamorphosis to aid in selective breeding and hatchery production of larval cohorts.

Key qualifications
We are seeking a candidate who is independent and self-motivated. At minimum, the candidate must possess an PhD in molecular biology, cell biology, physiology or related disciplines. Prior background in commercial bivalve aquaculture, including conditioning and feed production, as well as experimental work in bivalve physiology, fish nutrition / eco-toxicology or neuroendocrinology is desirable. Experience in one or several of the following methodologies will be advantageous: histology, light and epifluorescence microscopy, molecular biology (PCR, cloning, quantitative PCR, RNAseq, microbiome analysis), proteomics, genomics, bioinformatics, biochemistry, analytical chemistry (including chromatography techniques such as HPLC / GC), flow cytometry. Further experience may include confocal, multi-photon, super-resolution and/or electron microscopy. Knowledge with immunohistochemistry or immunocytochemistry is also relevant, as is cell culture work (primary and cell lines) and other cell signaling/cell biological techniques. It is not a requirement that the candidate has prior experience in aquaculture, but it would be advantageous to have skills such as technical operation of multiphase bioreactors and/or aquaculture or aquaria systems. Experience with diverse techniques in microbiology, molecular biology, bioanalytical assays and working with other microorganisms (e.g. fungi, cyanobacteria, viruses) are considered merits.

The details of the project can be adjusted based on the candidates skills and interests. The position can also allow for a combination of research (85%) with (if desired) dissemination and management activities (15%). Under such conditions, the successful candidate would need to develop their own research directions and conduct their own experimental/research work while also supporting the Principal Investigator with the overall configuration of the project, which would include tasks such as: (i) creating clear, compelling informed written and verbal communications with funding agencies, including reports; (ii) assisting other staff within the research team to organize workshops and project meetings and communicate research outcomes through various dissemination channels. As such, a more senior postdoc could be hired in this position as a Research Associate or higher. Exact job description can be negotiated prior to the start date based on the candidates skills and interests.

Personal qualifications
The position is based at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. The position also involves frequent international travel as the work is being conducting with several international laboratories and industry partners (all travel temporarily suspended due to Covid). Once travel resumes, the candidate will be responsible for running applied experiments in several different labs (Europe, Australia, Southeast Asia) thus requiring flexibility for extended stays in various locations as well as frequent international travel to participate in meetings, working groups, conferences and visits with industry partners. The candidate must therefore demonstrate a willingness and ability to work for extended periods in different countries. The candidate will also help host visiting researchers from these foreign labs in Sweden. As such, candidates without any prior international work/study experience will not be considered.

Excellent communication skills (written and spoken) in English are necessary, but the candidate does not need Swedish or EU citizenship, as residence permits will be arranged for the successful candidate.

Application procedure
In order to apply for a position at the University of Gothenburg, you must register an account in our online recruitment system. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is complete in accordance with the instructions in the job advertisement, and that it is submitted before the deadline.

The application must include:
A CV and cover letter that describes how the applicant meets the selection criteria
Evidence of strong academic writing skills (please provide 3 first author peer-reviewed manuscripts, any reports, and a copy of the PhD thesis)
Name and contact details of three referees attached in a file entitled References your name.pdf

If the following items are not evident on the CV, please state clearly in the cover letter how you meet the following requirements:
Proof of research and scientific writing skills with at minimum 3 published articles as first author in a peer-reviewed journal (please also highlight any technical reports written). Full-text of three articles and PhD thesis must be provided with the application;
Willingness to travel internationally for research, conferences and other project meetings;
Demonstrated statistical skills, including software such as R.

Regulations for the evaluation of qualifications for academic positions are given in Chapter 4, Section 3 - 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance.

Employment terms
The exact start date for this position is negotiable depending on the availability of a suitable candidate. The fellow will be hired for an initial two-year period to lead this project with the possibility for renewal. Salary is approximately $4000 per month (salary is paid in Swedish kroner) after most taxes. You will have a full spectrum of vacation and travel benefits, as well as coverage from national health and business travel insurance.

The University of Gothenburg has 38 000 students and 6 000 employees, and is one of the largest Universities in the Nordic countries. Strong research and study programs attract scientists and students from around the world. The advertised positions are within the department of Marine Science, located at the main campus in Gothenburg and at the two marine research laboratories at Tjrn and Kristineberg (Apply with Get.It

Contact information
For further information about the position, please contact Alyssa Joyce:
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