LibraryThing is an online platform for book lovers that allows users to create and curate their own online book catalogs. Members can catalog their books, connect with other readers, and participate in a community of book enthusiasts. The site offers a tabulation system to organize books by tags, collections, and ratings to compile a personal reading history and create a reading list. LibraryThing's system is powerful enough for libraries, but easy for individual readers to use. LibraryThing also features book recommendations, book club resources, and a venue for submitting book reviews. The site is free for users to catalog and review up to 200 books, while unlimited cataloging is available for a nominal yearly fee.
Click on the "Join Now" button in the top right corner of the screen. Choose a username and password for your LibraryThing account. Enter your e-mail address and choose "personal" or "organization." offers services to those with even more skills, such as experience working with CSV files or even dabbling in some code.
Le style que vous choisissez pour créer votre application dépend des résultats que vous voulez obtenir et de la plateforme que vous utilisez.librarything.frLes interfaces API de LibraryThing prennent différentes formes, de services Web basés sur XML à de simples requêtes URL d'images de couverture.
The LibraryThing Web Services APIs offer a slightly more advanced form of interaction but it's still easy. The format is a simple HTTP GET or POST action.librarything.comThe LibraryThing Javascript APIs are meant to enhance the content of your pages by allowing you to get LibraryThing data directly from within your own Javascript.
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CountryHosted in United States
Latitude\Longitude37.751 / -97.822 Google Map
Traffic rank#7,594 Site Rank
Site age54 yrs old
Site Owner informationWhois info
OwnerTim Spalding (majority),AbeBooks,CIG
LaunchedAugust 29, 2005
Type of siteCatalog and community
Created byTim Spalding
Current statusActive
54 yrs
United States