is an online chess platform that allows players of all ages, levels and backgrounds to play chess in an enjoyable, competitive and safe environment. It offers an extensive range of features, including real-time play, computer analysis, online tournaments, puzzles, and a comprehensive leaderboard. It also offers a wide variety of game modes, including classical, chess 960, King of the Hill, Three-check, Antichess, Atomic, and Horde, to name a few. With its easy-to-use interface, clean design and comprehensive features, is the perfect place to play and improve your chess game.
No registration, no ads, no plugin required. visit the most interesting Li Chess pages, well-liked by male users from USA and Germany, or check the rest of data is a famous web project, safe and generally suitable for all ages. We found that English is the preferred language on Li Chess pages.
A new page will then be opened in your browser, where you'll be able to thoroughly inspect your performance throughout the match. This enables Disqus, Inc. to process some of your data.softpedia.comUpon finishing an online chess match, users can click the Lichess Analysis button to be taken to the analysis interface.
[21] [19] [20] [21] [5] [6] [7] [14] [15] In Antichess variant, users can switch for Mark Watkins's antichess solution database. [19] [20] A Lichess mobile app is available for iOS and Android. [21]en.everybodywiki.comLichess was founded by Thibault Duplessis, a French programmer. The software running Lichess and the design are open source under the AGPL license.
EncryptedSite is Encrypted
CountryHosted in France
Latitude\Longitude48.8582 / 2.3387 Google Map
Traffic rank#3,590 Site Rank
Site age54 yrs old
Site Owner informationWhois info
Launched20 June 2010
Type of siteInternet chess server
Available inEnglish, others
Created byThibault Duplessis
CommercialNon-profit and donation-only
Current statusActive
Native client(s) oniOS, Android, Web
54 yrs
I know LiChess is an opensource project so we can use that code. (am willing to export the code and move the site off of webflow...
The premise of the webapp is to have a 'king of the hill' or 'winner plays on' style chess board. so the first person will click to be 'the king' and a challenger will play chess against them like normal. if the challenger wins he is now 'King' vs the next challenger. If the 'King' wins he stays on and plays the next challenger.
there will be a leaderboard of most wins by a single player
and another leaderboard for longest winning streak
I would also like to change the chess piece and chess piece design to my own
Would love a meeting to discuss this in more detail Show more details...