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Popular Questions
What is Mambo framework?
Mambo is a tool for construction, representation and analysis of large multimodal networks in biomedicine.
What is Mambo PHP?
Mambo is a free, open source content management system (CMS) that is developed in the PHP scripting language. It is a dynamic CMS and uses the free MySQL database for storing data. The following sections describe how to install and configure Mambo for use with FastCGI on IIS 6.0.
What is Mambo modern approaches to the monitoring of biodiversity?
MODERN APPROACHES TO THE MONITORING OF BIODIVERSITY The MAMBO project will develop, test and implement enabling tools for monitoring conservation status and ecological requirements of species and habitats for which knowledge gaps still exist.
What are the modern approaches to the monitoring of biodiversity?
Biodiversity monitoring can be upgraded through the use of modern technologies such as drones, Artificial Intelligence algorithms, and remote sensing.