Most recent job postings at oas
via ZipRecruiter
posted_at: 24 days agoschedule_type: Full-time
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), the principal organ of the Organization of American States (OAS), is calling for applications for the position of Special Rapporteur on Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights (ESCR) of the IACHR. The ESCR Special Rapporteur reports to the IACHR, works in coordination with the Executive Secretariat of the IACHR, and functions at... OAS headquarters in Washington, D.C.
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), the principal organ of the Organization of American States (OAS), is calling for applications for the position of Special Rapporteur on Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights (ESCR) of the IACHR. The ESCR Special Rapporteur reports to the IACHR, works in coordination with the Executive Secretariat of the IACHR, and functions at... OAS headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Special Rapporteur on Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights (ESCR).
Series B - 1-year Fixed Term Contract.
(Contract may be renewed for two years subject to availability of funds)
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Washington, D.C.
February 17, 2023
April 17, 2023, at 23:59 p.m. (E.S.T.)
May 22, 2023
June 1, 2023
June 30, 2023
187th Period of Sessions (July 10-21, 2023).
START DATE: August 28, 2023.
The ESCR Special Rapporteur will be responsible for supporting the IACHR in the fulfillment of its mandate to promote and protect economic, social, cultural, and environmental rights in the Americas. In particular, the Special Rapporteur will perform the following functions:
• Prepare the work plan of the ESCR Special Rapporteurship, in accordance with the strategic plan of the IACHR.
• Prepare reports on ESCR for approval and publication by the IACHR, including thematic reports, reports on the general human rights situation of the Member States and sections of the Commission's annual report.
• In accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the IACHR and in coordination with its Executive Secretariat, to process individual petitions and cases on ESCR for decision by the IACHR, as well as to represent, by delegation, the Commission in litigation before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, in cases related to ESCR.
• Assist the IACHR in the promotion of international instruments related to ESCR, including the organization and participation in promotional activities aimed at authorities, civil society, social movements, trade union organizations, professionals, journalists, and students on the work of the IACHR in this area.
• Make recommendations to the IACHR on urgent situations that may require the adoption of precautionary measures or the request for the adoption of provisional measures before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, among other mechanisms.
• Monitor the situation of ESCR in the region and provide advice and assistance to OAS Member States in the adoption of legislative, judicial, administrative, or other measures necessary to enforce economic, social, cultural, and environmental rights.
• To advise and assist other OAS bodies on matters related to ESCR in the Americas.
• To take the necessary steps to raise and manage cooperation funds and to develop the projects required to fulfill the assigned mandate.
• Perform other tasks related to the promotion and protection of ESCR that are delegated to it by the IACHR in accordance with the mandate of the Office of the Special Rapporteur on ESCR.
Minimum Requirements:
• Citizenship: Nationality of an OAS Member State.
• Education: University degree in a relevant branch of the social sciences, such as law or economics, or in other disciplines related to ESCR, issued by an accredited academic institution. Postgraduate or specialized studies in international law or human rights is preferred.
• Experience: At least 15 years of relevant professional experience at the national and international level, including, inter alia, interaction with senior government officials, intergovernmental or non-governmental organizations. If you have a master's degree, the minimum experience required is 10 years.
• Languages: Excellent command of at least two of the official languages: English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish (reading, writing, and speaking). Desirable: Working knowledge of the other two official languages.
Other Requirements:
• High moral quality and independence.
• Demonstrated professional experience and knowledge in the handling of the procedures and legal precedents of the IACHR and the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
• Demonstrated competence and professional experience in issues related to economic, social, cultural, and environmental rights in the Americas.
• Demonstrated ability to manage staff. Experience in fundraising and project supervision.
• Excellent written and oral communication skills. Excellent analytical and interpretive skills. Ability to make public presentations to senior government officials, experts and representatives of non-governmental human rights organizations and the general public.
• A minimum of two professional references.
Election Procedure:
The process by which the Special Rapporteur will be selected will follow the procedures established in the applicable regulations, in particular Article 15 of the IACHR Rules of Procedure. The deadline for the submission of resumes is April 17, 2023. The names and background of the candidates selected as finalists for the position will be published on the IACHR website from June 1 to 30, 2023, for the information and observations of the Member States and Civil Society. Candidates selected as finalists will be asked to submit a short video with a maximum duration of 5 minutes to be posted on the IACHR website explaining their proposals to be elected as Special Rapporteur. The IACHR expects to complete the selection process at the 187th Period of Sessions (July 10-21, 2023). The new Special Rapporteur will start his or her work on August 28, 2023. The duties will be performed in Washington, D.C., USA, and will require extensive travel arrangements.
The person selected to fill the vacancy of Special Rapporteur on Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights (ESCR Special Rapporteur) will hold a position at the P05 level (Fixed-term contract -Series B- for 1 year).
The deadline for submission of nominations is April 17, 2023, at 23:59 (E.S.T.).
Any questions can be directed to:
The GS/OAS embraces equality, diversity and inclusion. Thus, the GS/OAS, in accordance with its rules and regulations, is committed to providing equal opportunities in employment, achieving a diverse staff, and will take into account a wide geographic representation, as well as gender equity and equality, in the selection of candidates.
In accordance with paragraph f. of Article 44 of the General Standards, the official languages of the Organization are English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish. No candidate for a position in the General Secretariat subject to the competition requirement shall be contracted until he/she has passed language proficiency exams administered by the DHR in at least two of the official languages. Nevertheless, i)Any candidate, including staff member whose native language is one of those four languages shall only be required to demonstrate proficiency on an exam in one of the others; and (ii)Persons applying for G-1 and G-2 positions at Headquarters and G-3 driver/clerk positions in those Offices of the General Secretariat in the Member States where the language requirement unduly restricts the recruitment of otherwise qualified staff shall be exempt from this language proficiency requirement for as long as they occupy those positions. Subsequently, in order to be eligible to compete for a higher-level position, any staff member who has benefited from this exemption must demonstrate proficiency in a second official language of the Organization. (iii) A person selected as the best candidate may receive a fixed-term contract, which will be considered to have lapsed in case the person does not pass the required language examination within the 36 months following the appointment.
Upon hiring, the GS/OAS expects all workforce members in Washington, DC to be up-to-date with their COVID-19 vaccines unless there is a medical reason not to do so. When you obtain a vaccination, you will greatly reduce the risk to yourself and those with whom you interact. Vaccines are highly effective and are widely available throughout the Washington, D.C., area.
Please note that the mandatory retirement age for staff members at the General Secretariat of the OAS is 65.
La Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH), órgano principal de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA), convoca a concurso para el cargo de Relator/a Especial sobre Derechos Económicos, Sociales, Culturales y Ambientales (DESCA) de la CIDH. El/la Relator/a Especial DESCA rinde cuentas a la CIDH, trabaja en coordinación con la Secretaría Ejecutiva de la CIDH, y funciona en la sede de la OEA en Washington, D.C.
Relator/a Especial sobre Derechos Económicos, Sociales, Culturales y Ambientales (DESCA)
Serie B - Contrato Término Fijo de 1 año
(el contrato se podrá renovar por dos años si se cuenta con disponibilidad de fondos)
Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos
Washington, D.C.
17 de febrero de 2023
17 de abril de 2023 a las 23:59 (E.S.T.)
22 de mayo de 2023
1 de junio de 2023
30 de junio de 2023
187° Período de Sesiones (10-21 julio de 2023)
FECHA DE INICIO DE LABORES: 28 de agosto de 2023
El/la Relator/a Especial DESCA será el/la responsable de apoyar a la CIDH en el cumplimiento de su mandato de promoción y protección de los derechos económicos, sociales, culturales y ambientales en las Américas.
En particular, el/la Relator/a Especial desarrollará las siguientes funciones:
-Preparar el plan de trabajo de la Relatoría Especial DESCA, de conformidad al plan estratégico de la CIDH.
-Preparar informes sobre DESCA para la aprobación y publicación por parte de la CIDH, incluyendo informes temáticos, de situación general de derechos humanos de los Estados Miembros y secciones del informe anual de la Comisión.
-De conformidad al Reglamento de la CIDH y en coordinación con su Secretaría Ejecutiva, procesar peticiones y casos individuales sobre DESCA para la decisión de la CIDH, así como representar, por delegación, a la Comisión en el litigio ante la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, en casos relacionados con DESCA.
-Asistir a la CIDH en la promoción de instrumentos internacionales relacionados con DESCA, incluyendo la organización y participación en actividades de promoción dirigidas a autoridades, sociedad civil, movimientos sociales, organizaciones sindicales, profesionales, periodistas y estudiantes sobre el trabajo de la CIDH en este ámbito.
-Hacer recomendaciones a la CIDH sobre situaciones urgentes que podrían requerir la adopción de medidas cautelares o la solicitud de adopción de medidas provisionales ante la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, entre otros mecanismos.
-Monitorear la situación de los DESCA en la región y brindar asesoría y asistencia a los Estados Miembros de la OEA en la adopción de medidas legislativas, judiciales, administrativos, o de otra índole que sean necesarias para hacer efectivo el ejercicio de los derechos económicos, sociales, culturales y ambientales.
-Asesorar y asistir a otros órganos de la OEA en asuntos relacionados con DESCA en las Américas.
-Desarrollar las gestiones necesarias para la recaudación y gestión de fondos de cooperación y para el desarrollo de los proyectos requeridos para cumplir con el mandato asignado.
-Cumplir otras tareas relativos a la promoción y protección de los DESCA que le sean delegados por la CIDH de conformidad con el mandato de la Relatoría Especial DESCA.
Requisitos Mínimos:
• Ciudadanía: Nacionalidad de un Estado Miembro de la OEA
• Educación: Título universitario en una rama relevante de las ciencias sociales, como en derecho o ciencias económicas, o en otras disciplinas vinculadas a los DESCA, emitido por una institución académica acreditada. Es preferible que haya realizado estudios de posgrado o especializados en el área de derecho internacional o derechos humanos.
• Experiencia: Al menos 15 años de experiencia profesional relevante en al ámbito nacional e internacional, que incluya, inter alia, interacción con altos funcionarios de gobierno, organizaciones intergubernamentales o no gubernamentales. Si cuenta con título de máster, la experiencia mínima requerida es de 10 años.
• Idiomas: Excelente dominio de al menos dos de los idiomas oficiales: Inglés, Francés, Portugués y Español (leer, escribir y hablar). Deseable: Conocimiento práctico de los otros dos idiomas oficiales.
Otros Requisitos:
- Alta calidad moral e independencia.
- Experiencia profesional y conocimientos demostrados en el manejo de los procedimientos y los precedentes legales de la CIDH y de la jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos.
- Competencia demostrada y experiencia profesional en temas relacionados con derechos económicos, sociales, culturales y ambientales en las Américas.
- Capacidad demostrada para manejo de personal. Experiencia en la búsqueda de financiamiento y en la supervisión de proyectos.
- Excelente destre Show more details...
Special Rapporteur on Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights (ESCR).
Series B - 1-year Fixed Term Contract.
(Contract may be renewed for two years subject to availability of funds)
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Washington, D.C.
February 17, 2023
April 17, 2023, at 23:59 p.m. (E.S.T.)
May 22, 2023
June 1, 2023
June 30, 2023
187th Period of Sessions (July 10-21, 2023).
START DATE: August 28, 2023.
The ESCR Special Rapporteur will be responsible for supporting the IACHR in the fulfillment of its mandate to promote and protect economic, social, cultural, and environmental rights in the Americas. In particular, the Special Rapporteur will perform the following functions:
• Prepare the work plan of the ESCR Special Rapporteurship, in accordance with the strategic plan of the IACHR.
• Prepare reports on ESCR for approval and publication by the IACHR, including thematic reports, reports on the general human rights situation of the Member States and sections of the Commission's annual report.
• In accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the IACHR and in coordination with its Executive Secretariat, to process individual petitions and cases on ESCR for decision by the IACHR, as well as to represent, by delegation, the Commission in litigation before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, in cases related to ESCR.
• Assist the IACHR in the promotion of international instruments related to ESCR, including the organization and participation in promotional activities aimed at authorities, civil society, social movements, trade union organizations, professionals, journalists, and students on the work of the IACHR in this area.
• Make recommendations to the IACHR on urgent situations that may require the adoption of precautionary measures or the request for the adoption of provisional measures before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, among other mechanisms.
• Monitor the situation of ESCR in the region and provide advice and assistance to OAS Member States in the adoption of legislative, judicial, administrative, or other measures necessary to enforce economic, social, cultural, and environmental rights.
• To advise and assist other OAS bodies on matters related to ESCR in the Americas.
• To take the necessary steps to raise and manage cooperation funds and to develop the projects required to fulfill the assigned mandate.
• Perform other tasks related to the promotion and protection of ESCR that are delegated to it by the IACHR in accordance with the mandate of the Office of the Special Rapporteur on ESCR.
Minimum Requirements:
• Citizenship: Nationality of an OAS Member State.
• Education: University degree in a relevant branch of the social sciences, such as law or economics, or in other disciplines related to ESCR, issued by an accredited academic institution. Postgraduate or specialized studies in international law or human rights is preferred.
• Experience: At least 15 years of relevant professional experience at the national and international level, including, inter alia, interaction with senior government officials, intergovernmental or non-governmental organizations. If you have a master's degree, the minimum experience required is 10 years.
• Languages: Excellent command of at least two of the official languages: English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish (reading, writing, and speaking). Desirable: Working knowledge of the other two official languages.
Other Requirements:
• High moral quality and independence.
• Demonstrated professional experience and knowledge in the handling of the procedures and legal precedents of the IACHR and the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
• Demonstrated competence and professional experience in issues related to economic, social, cultural, and environmental rights in the Americas.
• Demonstrated ability to manage staff. Experience in fundraising and project supervision.
• Excellent written and oral communication skills. Excellent analytical and interpretive skills. Ability to make public presentations to senior government officials, experts and representatives of non-governmental human rights organizations and the general public.
• A minimum of two professional references.
Election Procedure:
The process by which the Special Rapporteur will be selected will follow the procedures established in the applicable regulations, in particular Article 15 of the IACHR Rules of Procedure. The deadline for the submission of resumes is April 17, 2023. The names and background of the candidates selected as finalists for the position will be published on the IACHR website from June 1 to 30, 2023, for the information and observations of the Member States and Civil Society. Candidates selected as finalists will be asked to submit a short video with a maximum duration of 5 minutes to be posted on the IACHR website explaining their proposals to be elected as Special Rapporteur. The IACHR expects to complete the selection process at the 187th Period of Sessions (July 10-21, 2023). The new Special Rapporteur will start his or her work on August 28, 2023. The duties will be performed in Washington, D.C., USA, and will require extensive travel arrangements.
The person selected to fill the vacancy of Special Rapporteur on Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights (ESCR Special Rapporteur) will hold a position at the P05 level (Fixed-term contract -Series B- for 1 year).
The deadline for submission of nominations is April 17, 2023, at 23:59 (E.S.T.).
Any questions can be directed to:
The GS/OAS embraces equality, diversity and inclusion. Thus, the GS/OAS, in accordance with its rules and regulations, is committed to providing equal opportunities in employment, achieving a diverse staff, and will take into account a wide geographic representation, as well as gender equity and equality, in the selection of candidates.
In accordance with paragraph f. of Article 44 of the General Standards, the official languages of the Organization are English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish. No candidate for a position in the General Secretariat subject to the competition requirement shall be contracted until he/she has passed language proficiency exams administered by the DHR in at least two of the official languages. Nevertheless, i)Any candidate, including staff member whose native language is one of those four languages shall only be required to demonstrate proficiency on an exam in one of the others; and (ii)Persons applying for G-1 and G-2 positions at Headquarters and G-3 driver/clerk positions in those Offices of the General Secretariat in the Member States where the language requirement unduly restricts the recruitment of otherwise qualified staff shall be exempt from this language proficiency requirement for as long as they occupy those positions. Subsequently, in order to be eligible to compete for a higher-level position, any staff member who has benefited from this exemption must demonstrate proficiency in a second official language of the Organization. (iii) A person selected as the best candidate may receive a fixed-term contract, which will be considered to have lapsed in case the person does not pass the required language examination within the 36 months following the appointment.
Upon hiring, the GS/OAS expects all workforce members in Washington, DC to be up-to-date with their COVID-19 vaccines unless there is a medical reason not to do so. When you obtain a vaccination, you will greatly reduce the risk to yourself and those with whom you interact. Vaccines are highly effective and are widely available throughout the Washington, D.C., area.
Please note that the mandatory retirement age for staff members at the General Secretariat of the OAS is 65.
La Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH), órgano principal de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA), convoca a concurso para el cargo de Relator/a Especial sobre Derechos Económicos, Sociales, Culturales y Ambientales (DESCA) de la CIDH. El/la Relator/a Especial DESCA rinde cuentas a la CIDH, trabaja en coordinación con la Secretaría Ejecutiva de la CIDH, y funciona en la sede de la OEA en Washington, D.C.
Relator/a Especial sobre Derechos Económicos, Sociales, Culturales y Ambientales (DESCA)
Serie B - Contrato Término Fijo de 1 año
(el contrato se podrá renovar por dos años si se cuenta con disponibilidad de fondos)
Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos
Washington, D.C.
17 de febrero de 2023
17 de abril de 2023 a las 23:59 (E.S.T.)
22 de mayo de 2023
1 de junio de 2023
30 de junio de 2023
187° Período de Sesiones (10-21 julio de 2023)
FECHA DE INICIO DE LABORES: 28 de agosto de 2023
El/la Relator/a Especial DESCA será el/la responsable de apoyar a la CIDH en el cumplimiento de su mandato de promoción y protección de los derechos económicos, sociales, culturales y ambientales en las Américas.
En particular, el/la Relator/a Especial desarrollará las siguientes funciones:
-Preparar el plan de trabajo de la Relatoría Especial DESCA, de conformidad al plan estratégico de la CIDH.
-Preparar informes sobre DESCA para la aprobación y publicación por parte de la CIDH, incluyendo informes temáticos, de situación general de derechos humanos de los Estados Miembros y secciones del informe anual de la Comisión.
-De conformidad al Reglamento de la CIDH y en coordinación con su Secretaría Ejecutiva, procesar peticiones y casos individuales sobre DESCA para la decisión de la CIDH, así como representar, por delegación, a la Comisión en el litigio ante la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, en casos relacionados con DESCA.
-Asistir a la CIDH en la promoción de instrumentos internacionales relacionados con DESCA, incluyendo la organización y participación en actividades de promoción dirigidas a autoridades, sociedad civil, movimientos sociales, organizaciones sindicales, profesionales, periodistas y estudiantes sobre el trabajo de la CIDH en este ámbito.
-Hacer recomendaciones a la CIDH sobre situaciones urgentes que podrían requerir la adopción de medidas cautelares o la solicitud de adopción de medidas provisionales ante la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, entre otros mecanismos.
-Monitorear la situación de los DESCA en la región y brindar asesoría y asistencia a los Estados Miembros de la OEA en la adopción de medidas legislativas, judiciales, administrativos, o de otra índole que sean necesarias para hacer efectivo el ejercicio de los derechos económicos, sociales, culturales y ambientales.
-Asesorar y asistir a otros órganos de la OEA en asuntos relacionados con DESCA en las Américas.
-Desarrollar las gestiones necesarias para la recaudación y gestión de fondos de cooperación y para el desarrollo de los proyectos requeridos para cumplir con el mandato asignado.
-Cumplir otras tareas relativos a la promoción y protección de los DESCA que le sean delegados por la CIDH de conformidad con el mandato de la Relatoría Especial DESCA.
Requisitos Mínimos:
• Ciudadanía: Nacionalidad de un Estado Miembro de la OEA
• Educación: Título universitario en una rama relevante de las ciencias sociales, como en derecho o ciencias económicas, o en otras disciplinas vinculadas a los DESCA, emitido por una institución académica acreditada. Es preferible que haya realizado estudios de posgrado o especializados en el área de derecho internacional o derechos humanos.
• Experiencia: Al menos 15 años de experiencia profesional relevante en al ámbito nacional e internacional, que incluya, inter alia, interacción con altos funcionarios de gobierno, organizaciones intergubernamentales o no gubernamentales. Si cuenta con título de máster, la experiencia mínima requerida es de 10 años.
• Idiomas: Excelente dominio de al menos dos de los idiomas oficiales: Inglés, Francés, Portugués y Español (leer, escribir y hablar). Deseable: Conocimiento práctico de los otros dos idiomas oficiales.
Otros Requisitos:
- Alta calidad moral e independencia.
- Experiencia profesional y conocimientos demostrados en el manejo de los procedimientos y los precedentes legales de la CIDH y de la jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos.
- Competencia demostrada y experiencia profesional en temas relacionados con derechos económicos, sociales, culturales y ambientales en las Américas.
- Capacidad demostrada para manejo de personal. Experiencia en la búsqueda de financiamiento y en la supervisión de proyectos.
- Excelente destre Show more details...
via UNjobnet
posted_at: 9 days agoschedule_type: Full-time
Project Evaluation Officer – P03
Grade: P03...
Type of Appointment: Series A - Short Term
Duration of Contract: 12 months
Secretary/Department/Off.: The Department of Procurement Services and Management Oversight
Announcement Number: EO/16/23
Duty Station: US - Washington D.C.
Job Family: Procurement
Job Category: Professionals and Higher Categories
Recruitment Type: External
Employment Schedule: Full time
Publication Date: 3/3/23
Closing Date:
Project Evaluation Officer – P03
Grade: P03...
Type of Appointment: Series A - Short Term
Duration of Contract: 12 months
Secretary/Department/Off.: The Department of Procurement Services and Management Oversight
Announcement Number: EO/16/23
Duty Station: US - Washington D.C.
Job Family: Procurement
Job Category: Professionals and Higher Categories
Recruitment Type: External
Employment Schedule: Full time
Publication Date: 3/3/23
Closing Date: 3/17/23
# of Openings: 1
Annual Basic Salary (net of taxes):
Basic Salary: 64,121.00
Annual Post Adjustment (net of taxes):
Post Adjustment: 40,717.00
This is a team-leader and/or organizer type position expected to take initiative and support the management (design, monitoring and evaluation) of technical cooperation projects and/or programs in the fulfillment of the mission of the Department of Procurement Services and Management Oversight, and is assigned all or part of the following responsibilities (NOTE: these responsibilities and expected results are standardized, and are not necessarily performed by all staff members sharing this job title):
• Review, validate and approve information in support of the project area, development and strengthening of relations with Member States, key institutions and dialogue promotion, including but not limited to coordinating or overseeing the organization of meetings, conferences, presentations, events and seminars; following-up on the development of joint activities at the local and regional levels, drafting and reviewing reports; and networking activities.
• Appraise, review, and recommend adjustments to project proposals to ensure consistency with national, sub-regional, regional and sectoral priorities and programs, and with available resources.
• In consultation with project personnel, technical, substantive and administrative service units; formulate and present recommendations on the basis of technical and substantive input in accordance with required format for final review and approval;
• Evaluate related trends and events affecting the economic, social and political situation in the hemisphere, recommend actions, draft talking points and speeches,
• Organize and conduct briefings and debriefings of projects with special regard for the country, sub-regional and regional aspects, resources and development characteristics, with a view to maximizing project performance levels.
• Make recommendations for and participate in the formulation of projects and the monitoring of project execution.
• Provide support to the organization of fact-finding, needs assessment, and advisory missions to countries and regions during the project life- cycle (formulation, monitoring, and evaluation phases).
• Monitor and oversee program implementation through communication with technical, substantive and project staff, field visits, analysis of periodic project progress reports, participation in tripartite reviews and mid-term project evaluations. Utilize information obtained as an input for corrective decision-making and revisions.
• Participate in the design and implementation of training courses and make recommendations regarding content.
• Participate in various initiatives and activities related to the project, including drafting, reviewing, validating and editing - for consistency and language - correspondence, reports, cooperation agreements, proposals and joint proposals, budgets, financial reports, work plans, and documents and publications.
• Oversee and update databases containing information on project-related activities, conducting analyses,
Essential: First University Degree (Bachelor) in Political Science, Law, International Relations, Business Administration, Humanities, Economics or a related field issued by a duly accredited institution and 7 years of relevant experience in similar positions including project management at the national and/or international level OR Advanced University Degree (Master) in one of the fields listed above issued by a duly accredited institution and 4 years of relevant experience OR Doctorate and 1 year of relevant experience.
Desirable: Experience or knowledge of the OAS mandate and priorities as related to the area of work and/or the dynamics of the Inter-American agenda and system.
A written exam to assess technical competencies will be required.
Essential – Proficient in at least two of the official languages of the OAS (read, write and communicate).
Desirable – Working knowledge of other two OAS official languages.
PERSONAL COMPETENCIES: Client Orientation, Knowledge Sharing, Teamwork, Interpersonal Skills. Ability to clearly communicate in the languages required for the post.
Essential: Ability to effectively work using Microsoft Office (e.g., Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and other applications and software applicable to the area of work, such as Visio, Access, Share Point.
Desirable: Knowledge of and experience working with automated financial management systems
The GS/OAS embraces equality, diversity and inclusion. Thus, the GS/OAS, in accordance with its rules and regulations, is committed to providing equal opportunities in employment, achieving a diverse staff, and will take into account a wide geographic representation, as well as gender equity and equality, in the selection of candidates.
In accordance with paragraph f. of Article 44 of the General Standards, the official languages of the Organization are English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish. No candidate for a position in the General Secretariat subject to the competition requirement shall be contracted until he/she has passed language proficiency exams administered by the DHR in at least two of the official languages. Nevertheless, i) Any candidate, including staff member whose native language is one of those four languages shall only be required to demonstrate proficiency on an exam in one of the others; and (ii) Persons applying for G-1 and G-2 positions at Headquarters and G-3 driver/clerk positions in those Offices of the General Secretariat in the Member States where the language requirement unduly restricts the recruitment of otherwise qualified staff shall be exempt from this language proficiency requirement for as long as they occupy those positions. Subsequently, in order to be eligible to compete for a higher-level position, any staff member who has benefited from this exemption must demonstrate proficiency in a second official language of the Organization. (iii) A person selected as the best candidate may receive a fixed-term contract, which will be considered to have lapsed in case the person does not pass the required language examination within the 36 months following the appointment.
Please note that the mandatory retirement age for staff members at the General Secretariat of the OAS is 65.
Upon hiring, the GS/OAS expects all workforce members in Washington, DC to be up-to-date with their COVID-19 vaccines unless there is a medical reason not to do so. When you obtain a vaccination, you will greatly reduce the risk to yourself and those with whom you interact. Vaccines are highly effective and are widely available throughout the Washington, D.C., area Show more details...
Grade: P03...
Type of Appointment: Series A - Short Term
Duration of Contract: 12 months
Secretary/Department/Off.: The Department of Procurement Services and Management Oversight
Announcement Number: EO/16/23
Duty Station: US - Washington D.C.
Job Family: Procurement
Job Category: Professionals and Higher Categories
Recruitment Type: External
Employment Schedule: Full time
Publication Date: 3/3/23
Closing Date: 3/17/23
# of Openings: 1
Annual Basic Salary (net of taxes):
Basic Salary: 64,121.00
Annual Post Adjustment (net of taxes):
Post Adjustment: 40,717.00
This is a team-leader and/or organizer type position expected to take initiative and support the management (design, monitoring and evaluation) of technical cooperation projects and/or programs in the fulfillment of the mission of the Department of Procurement Services and Management Oversight, and is assigned all or part of the following responsibilities (NOTE: these responsibilities and expected results are standardized, and are not necessarily performed by all staff members sharing this job title):
• Review, validate and approve information in support of the project area, development and strengthening of relations with Member States, key institutions and dialogue promotion, including but not limited to coordinating or overseeing the organization of meetings, conferences, presentations, events and seminars; following-up on the development of joint activities at the local and regional levels, drafting and reviewing reports; and networking activities.
• Appraise, review, and recommend adjustments to project proposals to ensure consistency with national, sub-regional, regional and sectoral priorities and programs, and with available resources.
• In consultation with project personnel, technical, substantive and administrative service units; formulate and present recommendations on the basis of technical and substantive input in accordance with required format for final review and approval;
• Evaluate related trends and events affecting the economic, social and political situation in the hemisphere, recommend actions, draft talking points and speeches,
• Organize and conduct briefings and debriefings of projects with special regard for the country, sub-regional and regional aspects, resources and development characteristics, with a view to maximizing project performance levels.
• Make recommendations for and participate in the formulation of projects and the monitoring of project execution.
• Provide support to the organization of fact-finding, needs assessment, and advisory missions to countries and regions during the project life- cycle (formulation, monitoring, and evaluation phases).
• Monitor and oversee program implementation through communication with technical, substantive and project staff, field visits, analysis of periodic project progress reports, participation in tripartite reviews and mid-term project evaluations. Utilize information obtained as an input for corrective decision-making and revisions.
• Participate in the design and implementation of training courses and make recommendations regarding content.
• Participate in various initiatives and activities related to the project, including drafting, reviewing, validating and editing - for consistency and language - correspondence, reports, cooperation agreements, proposals and joint proposals, budgets, financial reports, work plans, and documents and publications.
• Oversee and update databases containing information on project-related activities, conducting analyses,
Essential: First University Degree (Bachelor) in Political Science, Law, International Relations, Business Administration, Humanities, Economics or a related field issued by a duly accredited institution and 7 years of relevant experience in similar positions including project management at the national and/or international level OR Advanced University Degree (Master) in one of the fields listed above issued by a duly accredited institution and 4 years of relevant experience OR Doctorate and 1 year of relevant experience.
Desirable: Experience or knowledge of the OAS mandate and priorities as related to the area of work and/or the dynamics of the Inter-American agenda and system.
A written exam to assess technical competencies will be required.
Essential – Proficient in at least two of the official languages of the OAS (read, write and communicate).
Desirable – Working knowledge of other two OAS official languages.
PERSONAL COMPETENCIES: Client Orientation, Knowledge Sharing, Teamwork, Interpersonal Skills. Ability to clearly communicate in the languages required for the post.
Essential: Ability to effectively work using Microsoft Office (e.g., Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and other applications and software applicable to the area of work, such as Visio, Access, Share Point.
Desirable: Knowledge of and experience working with automated financial management systems
The GS/OAS embraces equality, diversity and inclusion. Thus, the GS/OAS, in accordance with its rules and regulations, is committed to providing equal opportunities in employment, achieving a diverse staff, and will take into account a wide geographic representation, as well as gender equity and equality, in the selection of candidates.
In accordance with paragraph f. of Article 44 of the General Standards, the official languages of the Organization are English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish. No candidate for a position in the General Secretariat subject to the competition requirement shall be contracted until he/she has passed language proficiency exams administered by the DHR in at least two of the official languages. Nevertheless, i) Any candidate, including staff member whose native language is one of those four languages shall only be required to demonstrate proficiency on an exam in one of the others; and (ii) Persons applying for G-1 and G-2 positions at Headquarters and G-3 driver/clerk positions in those Offices of the General Secretariat in the Member States where the language requirement unduly restricts the recruitment of otherwise qualified staff shall be exempt from this language proficiency requirement for as long as they occupy those positions. Subsequently, in order to be eligible to compete for a higher-level position, any staff member who has benefited from this exemption must demonstrate proficiency in a second official language of the Organization. (iii) A person selected as the best candidate may receive a fixed-term contract, which will be considered to have lapsed in case the person does not pass the required language examination within the 36 months following the appointment.
Please note that the mandatory retirement age for staff members at the General Secretariat of the OAS is 65.
Upon hiring, the GS/OAS expects all workforce members in Washington, DC to be up-to-date with their COVID-19 vaccines unless there is a medical reason not to do so. When you obtain a vaccination, you will greatly reduce the risk to yourself and those with whom you interact. Vaccines are highly effective and are widely available throughout the Washington, D.C., area Show more details...
posted_at: 4 days agoschedule_type: Full-time
* "This announcement applies to an encumbered (filled/occupied) position. External Employment Opportunities are open to competition in accordance with the external recruitment process of the GS/OAS."
Duties and responsibilities...
• Within the scope of human resources activities, e.g. recruitment, placement, promotion, extension of appointment, performance evaluation, internships, reports, vacancies, internal communications, job classification
* "This announcement applies to an encumbered (filled/occupied) position. External Employment Opportunities are open to competition in accordance with the external recruitment process of the GS/OAS."
Duties and responsibilities...
• Within the scope of human resources activities, e.g. recruitment, placement, promotion, extension of appointment, performance evaluation, internships, reports, vacancies, internal communications, job classification reviews, training & development, health & benefits, separation of staff members, etc. the incumbent:
• Counsel staff members and managers on human resources policies, practices and procedures, as well as identify the need for and propose new, or amendments to existing, Human Resources (HR) practices and services.
• Interpret and apply HR rules and policies on staffing issues such as recruitment, selection, job classification, promotion, termination of service, transfers and other HR related issues and actions, including analyzing and evaluating individual cases with a view to make recommendations to senior HR Officer on appropriate course of action.
• Review and analyze special requests or claims from staff members, in light of employee's history, and applicable rules and regulations, recommending appropriate actions or proposing alternative solutions for approval by the supervisor and/or Officer responsible for the section.
• As assigned, compile and analyze personnel-related data, special reports, and statistics for dissemination to managers in the General Secretariat in order to facilitate decision-making process for HR management drawing the attention of the Officer responsible for the section on discrepancies and gaps.
• Coordinate the recruitment and selection processes as well as post classification review requests received by the Department of Human Resources, closely cooperating with staffers and Chief of the Staffing Section.
• Review and process performance contracts executed by assigned areas and monitor such contracts for compliance with published rules and regulations, making recommendations to the pertinent areas on matters that need policy clarification.
• Coordinate the design of comprehensive internal communications and information presentations, fact sheets and flyers to promote HR activities, innovations, and reforms throughout the Organization and to ensure a wide dissemination of new and revised rules and procedures, and related guidelines.
• As applicable, monitor the execution of budget account(s).
Participate in the negotiation of cost-effective contracts for vendors, services providers, and consultants; preparing contracts for vendors, service providers, and following-up on their timely payment.
• As delegated, research issues related to human resources obtaining background information from international organizations and institutions - as well as participate in working groups, task forces and special projects, as appropriate.
• Support and participate in various department-specific initiatives and activities and dialogue promotion as related to the area of work, including drafting, reviewing and editing for consistency and language, correspondence, reports, proposals and joint proposals, budgets, financial reports, work plans, documents and publications.
• As assigned, collaborate in developing GS/OAS training programs and coordinate its implementation.
• Organize official events under the auspices of the Department of Human Resources.
Education & Experience :
Essential: First University Degree (Bachelor's) in human resources management, public or business administration, industrial relations, psychology or a related field and 4 years of relevant experience in human resources administration at national or international level OR Advanced University Degree (Master's) in one of the fields listed above and 2 years of relevant experience.
Desirable: Experience or knowledge of the OAS mandate and priorities as related to the area of work and/or the dynamics of the Inter-American agenda and system. Experience in the use of automated HR information systems.
Essential - Proficient in at least two of the official languages of the OAS (read, write and communicate). Language proficiency examination will be required.
Desirable - Working knowledge of other two OAS official languages.
Personal Competencies:Client Orientation, Knowledge Sharing, Teamwork, Interpersonal Skills.Ability to clearly communicate in the languages required for the post.
The GS/OAS embraces equality, diversity and inclusion. Thus, the GS/OAS, in accordance with its rules and regulations, is committed to providing equal opportunities in employment, achieving a diverse staff, and will take into account a wide geographic representation, as well as gender equity and equality, in the selection of candidates.
Please note that the mandatory retirement age for staff members at the General Secretariat of the OAS is 65 .
Upon hiring, the GS/OAS expects all workforce members in Washington, DC to be up-to-date with their COVID-19 vaccines unless there is a medical reason not to do so. When you obtain a vaccination, you will greatly reduce the risk to yourself and those with whom you interact. Vaccines are highly effective and are widely available throughout the Washington, D.C., area
In accordance with paragraph f. of Article 44 of the General Standards, the official languages of the Organization are English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish. No candidate for a position in the General Secretariat subject to the competition requirement shall be contracted until he/she has passed language proficiency exams administered by the DHR in at least two of the official languages. Nevertheless, i)Any candidate, including staff member whose native language is one of those four languages shall only be required to demonstrate proficiency on an exam in one of the others; and (ii)Persons applying for G-1 and G-2 positions at Headquarters and G-3 driver/clerk positions in those Offices of the General Secretariat in the Member States where the language requirement unduly restricts the recruitment of otherwise qualified staff shall be exempt from this language proficiency requirement for as long as they occupy those positions. Subsequently, in order to be eligible to compete for a higher-level position, any staff member who has benefited from this exemption must demonstrate proficiency in a second official language of the Organization. (iii) A person selected as the best candidate may receive a fixed-term contract, which will be considered to have lapsed in case the person does not pass the required language examination within the 36 months following the appointment Show more details...
Duties and responsibilities...
• Within the scope of human resources activities, e.g. recruitment, placement, promotion, extension of appointment, performance evaluation, internships, reports, vacancies, internal communications, job classification reviews, training & development, health & benefits, separation of staff members, etc. the incumbent:
• Counsel staff members and managers on human resources policies, practices and procedures, as well as identify the need for and propose new, or amendments to existing, Human Resources (HR) practices and services.
• Interpret and apply HR rules and policies on staffing issues such as recruitment, selection, job classification, promotion, termination of service, transfers and other HR related issues and actions, including analyzing and evaluating individual cases with a view to make recommendations to senior HR Officer on appropriate course of action.
• Review and analyze special requests or claims from staff members, in light of employee's history, and applicable rules and regulations, recommending appropriate actions or proposing alternative solutions for approval by the supervisor and/or Officer responsible for the section.
• As assigned, compile and analyze personnel-related data, special reports, and statistics for dissemination to managers in the General Secretariat in order to facilitate decision-making process for HR management drawing the attention of the Officer responsible for the section on discrepancies and gaps.
• Coordinate the recruitment and selection processes as well as post classification review requests received by the Department of Human Resources, closely cooperating with staffers and Chief of the Staffing Section.
• Review and process performance contracts executed by assigned areas and monitor such contracts for compliance with published rules and regulations, making recommendations to the pertinent areas on matters that need policy clarification.
• Coordinate the design of comprehensive internal communications and information presentations, fact sheets and flyers to promote HR activities, innovations, and reforms throughout the Organization and to ensure a wide dissemination of new and revised rules and procedures, and related guidelines.
• As applicable, monitor the execution of budget account(s).
Participate in the negotiation of cost-effective contracts for vendors, services providers, and consultants; preparing contracts for vendors, service providers, and following-up on their timely payment.
• As delegated, research issues related to human resources obtaining background information from international organizations and institutions - as well as participate in working groups, task forces and special projects, as appropriate.
• Support and participate in various department-specific initiatives and activities and dialogue promotion as related to the area of work, including drafting, reviewing and editing for consistency and language, correspondence, reports, proposals and joint proposals, budgets, financial reports, work plans, documents and publications.
• As assigned, collaborate in developing GS/OAS training programs and coordinate its implementation.
• Organize official events under the auspices of the Department of Human Resources.
Education & Experience :
Essential: First University Degree (Bachelor's) in human resources management, public or business administration, industrial relations, psychology or a related field and 4 years of relevant experience in human resources administration at national or international level OR Advanced University Degree (Master's) in one of the fields listed above and 2 years of relevant experience.
Desirable: Experience or knowledge of the OAS mandate and priorities as related to the area of work and/or the dynamics of the Inter-American agenda and system. Experience in the use of automated HR information systems.
Essential - Proficient in at least two of the official languages of the OAS (read, write and communicate). Language proficiency examination will be required.
Desirable - Working knowledge of other two OAS official languages.
Personal Competencies:Client Orientation, Knowledge Sharing, Teamwork, Interpersonal Skills.Ability to clearly communicate in the languages required for the post.
The GS/OAS embraces equality, diversity and inclusion. Thus, the GS/OAS, in accordance with its rules and regulations, is committed to providing equal opportunities in employment, achieving a diverse staff, and will take into account a wide geographic representation, as well as gender equity and equality, in the selection of candidates.
Please note that the mandatory retirement age for staff members at the General Secretariat of the OAS is 65 .
Upon hiring, the GS/OAS expects all workforce members in Washington, DC to be up-to-date with their COVID-19 vaccines unless there is a medical reason not to do so. When you obtain a vaccination, you will greatly reduce the risk to yourself and those with whom you interact. Vaccines are highly effective and are widely available throughout the Washington, D.C., area
In accordance with paragraph f. of Article 44 of the General Standards, the official languages of the Organization are English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish. No candidate for a position in the General Secretariat subject to the competition requirement shall be contracted until he/she has passed language proficiency exams administered by the DHR in at least two of the official languages. Nevertheless, i)Any candidate, including staff member whose native language is one of those four languages shall only be required to demonstrate proficiency on an exam in one of the others; and (ii)Persons applying for G-1 and G-2 positions at Headquarters and G-3 driver/clerk positions in those Offices of the General Secretariat in the Member States where the language requirement unduly restricts the recruitment of otherwise qualified staff shall be exempt from this language proficiency requirement for as long as they occupy those positions. Subsequently, in order to be eligible to compete for a higher-level position, any staff member who has benefited from this exemption must demonstrate proficiency in a second official language of the Organization. (iii) A person selected as the best candidate may receive a fixed-term contract, which will be considered to have lapsed in case the person does not pass the required language examination within the 36 months following the appointment Show more details...
via ZipRecruiter
posted_at: 3 days agoschedule_type: Full-time
Job Title
Field Service Engineer I-IV, OAS
Job Family...
Job Description
Put a LIFT in Your Career! Hyster-Yale Group, Inc. (HYG), a world-class manufacturer of industrial lift trucks, has an outstanding opportunity for an exceptional and talented Field Engineer I-IV, Emerging Technology, to be Remote/Field-based, and can be located anywhere within the US.
The Field Engineer I-IV, Emerging Technology, will be responsible for providing technical
Job Title
Field Service Engineer I-IV, OAS
Job Family...
Job Description
Put a LIFT in Your Career! Hyster-Yale Group, Inc. (HYG), a world-class manufacturer of industrial lift trucks, has an outstanding opportunity for an exceptional and talented Field Engineer I-IV, Emerging Technology, to be Remote/Field-based, and can be located anywhere within the US.
The Field Engineer I-IV, Emerging Technology, will be responsible for providing technical support to ensure customer and internal department's satisfaction for telemetry & other operator assistance systems. Also responsible for commissioning systems and vehicles. This includes, but is not limited to, at factory and customer sites, installing software, creating and troubleshooting emerging technology systems, calibrating and repairing vehicles, analyzing hardware and software issues in the field, wireless communication, programming/installing/troubleshooting, connectivity to remote I/O, and writing training and technical documentation. Be the installation site liaison, point of contact for customer. Support Sales & Applications Engineering activities by conducting field demonstrations and performance trials at OEM suppliers and prospective customers/partners. These activities are billable and directly support project execution.
The Successful Field Engineer I-IV, Emerging Technology, will have the following Key Accountabilities:
• * Set-up & Calibrations.
• Safety Assessments & Adjustments.
• Troubleshoot electro-mechanical issues.
• Create / maintain site general arrangement drawing.
• Perform commissioning / validation.
• Perform wireless communication survey.
• Onsite Safety Assessments & Adjustments.
• Perform vehicle interface commissioning / validation
• Test application software and interfaces between vehicles, middle ware and customer host.
• Write training and support documentation.
• Analyze, troubleshoot and refine systems to optimize material flow.
• Deliver training to end customer.
• Additional duties as assigned.
• Lead customer acceptance testing at Pre-delivery timing (Factory Acceptance Testing) as well as on-site phased installation milestones.
• Support virtual testing, troubleshooting and training as required.
• Analyze vehicle uptime / issues tracking.
• Report and track all issues
Field Engineer I Minimum Qualifications:
• BS Degree in Engineering, preferred
• Field-Based
• 75%+ traveling
• 1-2 years' experience, with system installation or vehicle service, preferred
• Proficiency using Windows operating systems.
• Experience troubleshooting electro-mechanical systems.
• Ability to understand electrical schematics, wiring diagrams, 3D models and mechanical assembly drawings.
• Familiar with setting up and troubleshooting enterprise Wi-Fi, Wireless communication.
• Understanding of networking concepts, hardware and software.
• Excellent written and oral communication skills in English.
• Ability to remain calm and professional in a demanding and dynamic work environment, often in direct contact with the customer
Field Engineer II Minimum Qualifications:
• * BS Degree in Engineering, preferred
• Field-based
• 75%+ traveling
• 2-3 years' experience, with system installation or vehicle service, preferred
• Proficiency using Windows operating systems.
• Experience troubleshooting electro-mechanical systems.
• Ability to understand electrical schematics, wiring diagrams, 3D models and mechanical assembly drawings.
• Familiar with setting up and troubleshooting enterprise Wi-Fi, Wireless communication.
• Understanding of networking concepts, hardware and software.
• Excellent written and oral communication skills in English.
• Ability to remain calm and professional in a demanding and dynamic work environment, often in direct contact with the customer
Field Engineer III Minimum Qualifications:
• BS Degree in Engineering, preferred
• Field-based
• 75%+ traveling
• 3-5 years' experience, with system installation or vehicle service, preferred
• Experience with customer onsite-installations, required.
• Proficiency using Windows operating systems.
• Experience troubleshooting electro-mechanical systems.
• Ability to understand electrical schematics, wiring diagrams, 3D models and mechanical assembly drawings.
• Familiar with setting up and troubleshooting enterprise Wi-Fi, Wireless communication.
• Understanding of networking concepts, hardware and software.
• Excellent written and oral communication skills in English.
• Ability to remain calm and professional in a demanding and dynamic work environment, often in direct contact with the customer
Field Engineer IV Minimum Qualifications:
• BS Degree in Engineering preferred
• Field-based
• 75%+ traveling
• 5-7 years' experience, with system installation or vehicle service, preferred
• Experience with customer onsite-installations, required.
• Proficiency using Windows operating systems.
• Experience troubleshooting electro-mechanical systems.
• Ability to understand electrical schematics, wiring diagrams, 3D models and mechanical assembly drawings.
• Familiar with setting up and troubleshooting enterprise Wi-Fi, Wireless communication.
• Understanding of networking concepts, hardware and software.
• Excellent written and oral communication skills in English.
• Ability to remain calm and professional in a demanding and dynamic work environment, often in direct contact with the customer
Who we are:
HYG designs, engineers, manufactures, sells and services a comprehensive line of lift trucks and aftermarket parts marketed globally under the Hyster and Yale brand names. We are one of the global leaders in the Material Handling industry and have been building relationships and partnering with our customers, suppliers, dealers and employees for over 90 years.
What we offer:
Hyster-Yale Group offers competitive pay, tuition reimbursement, supportive work environment, hybrid work option, and opportunities for growth and development. A full benefits package: paid time off; medical, dental, vision, and life insurance, employer-sponsored profit sharing and 401(k).
Job ID
Employment Type
Full time
Work Hours
Travel Required
Primary Location
HYG US Greenville, NC (Headquarters)
1400 Sullivan Drive
Zip Code
Relocation Assistance Available
We are an equal opportunity employer with an excellent benefit package including medical, dental and life insurance, 401(k) and profit sharing.
EOE/Minorities/Females/Veterans/Disabled Show more details...
Field Service Engineer I-IV, OAS
Job Family...
Job Description
Put a LIFT in Your Career! Hyster-Yale Group, Inc. (HYG), a world-class manufacturer of industrial lift trucks, has an outstanding opportunity for an exceptional and talented Field Engineer I-IV, Emerging Technology, to be Remote/Field-based, and can be located anywhere within the US.
The Field Engineer I-IV, Emerging Technology, will be responsible for providing technical support to ensure customer and internal department's satisfaction for telemetry & other operator assistance systems. Also responsible for commissioning systems and vehicles. This includes, but is not limited to, at factory and customer sites, installing software, creating and troubleshooting emerging technology systems, calibrating and repairing vehicles, analyzing hardware and software issues in the field, wireless communication, programming/installing/troubleshooting, connectivity to remote I/O, and writing training and technical documentation. Be the installation site liaison, point of contact for customer. Support Sales & Applications Engineering activities by conducting field demonstrations and performance trials at OEM suppliers and prospective customers/partners. These activities are billable and directly support project execution.
The Successful Field Engineer I-IV, Emerging Technology, will have the following Key Accountabilities:
• * Set-up & Calibrations.
• Safety Assessments & Adjustments.
• Troubleshoot electro-mechanical issues.
• Create / maintain site general arrangement drawing.
• Perform commissioning / validation.
• Perform wireless communication survey.
• Onsite Safety Assessments & Adjustments.
• Perform vehicle interface commissioning / validation
• Test application software and interfaces between vehicles, middle ware and customer host.
• Write training and support documentation.
• Analyze, troubleshoot and refine systems to optimize material flow.
• Deliver training to end customer.
• Additional duties as assigned.
• Lead customer acceptance testing at Pre-delivery timing (Factory Acceptance Testing) as well as on-site phased installation milestones.
• Support virtual testing, troubleshooting and training as required.
• Analyze vehicle uptime / issues tracking.
• Report and track all issues
Field Engineer I Minimum Qualifications:
• BS Degree in Engineering, preferred
• Field-Based
• 75%+ traveling
• 1-2 years' experience, with system installation or vehicle service, preferred
• Proficiency using Windows operating systems.
• Experience troubleshooting electro-mechanical systems.
• Ability to understand electrical schematics, wiring diagrams, 3D models and mechanical assembly drawings.
• Familiar with setting up and troubleshooting enterprise Wi-Fi, Wireless communication.
• Understanding of networking concepts, hardware and software.
• Excellent written and oral communication skills in English.
• Ability to remain calm and professional in a demanding and dynamic work environment, often in direct contact with the customer
Field Engineer II Minimum Qualifications:
• * BS Degree in Engineering, preferred
• Field-based
• 75%+ traveling
• 2-3 years' experience, with system installation or vehicle service, preferred
• Proficiency using Windows operating systems.
• Experience troubleshooting electro-mechanical systems.
• Ability to understand electrical schematics, wiring diagrams, 3D models and mechanical assembly drawings.
• Familiar with setting up and troubleshooting enterprise Wi-Fi, Wireless communication.
• Understanding of networking concepts, hardware and software.
• Excellent written and oral communication skills in English.
• Ability to remain calm and professional in a demanding and dynamic work environment, often in direct contact with the customer
Field Engineer III Minimum Qualifications:
• BS Degree in Engineering, preferred
• Field-based
• 75%+ traveling
• 3-5 years' experience, with system installation or vehicle service, preferred
• Experience with customer onsite-installations, required.
• Proficiency using Windows operating systems.
• Experience troubleshooting electro-mechanical systems.
• Ability to understand electrical schematics, wiring diagrams, 3D models and mechanical assembly drawings.
• Familiar with setting up and troubleshooting enterprise Wi-Fi, Wireless communication.
• Understanding of networking concepts, hardware and software.
• Excellent written and oral communication skills in English.
• Ability to remain calm and professional in a demanding and dynamic work environment, often in direct contact with the customer
Field Engineer IV Minimum Qualifications:
• BS Degree in Engineering preferred
• Field-based
• 75%+ traveling
• 5-7 years' experience, with system installation or vehicle service, preferred
• Experience with customer onsite-installations, required.
• Proficiency using Windows operating systems.
• Experience troubleshooting electro-mechanical systems.
• Ability to understand electrical schematics, wiring diagrams, 3D models and mechanical assembly drawings.
• Familiar with setting up and troubleshooting enterprise Wi-Fi, Wireless communication.
• Understanding of networking concepts, hardware and software.
• Excellent written and oral communication skills in English.
• Ability to remain calm and professional in a demanding and dynamic work environment, often in direct contact with the customer
Who we are:
HYG designs, engineers, manufactures, sells and services a comprehensive line of lift trucks and aftermarket parts marketed globally under the Hyster and Yale brand names. We are one of the global leaders in the Material Handling industry and have been building relationships and partnering with our customers, suppliers, dealers and employees for over 90 years.
What we offer:
Hyster-Yale Group offers competitive pay, tuition reimbursement, supportive work environment, hybrid work option, and opportunities for growth and development. A full benefits package: paid time off; medical, dental, vision, and life insurance, employer-sponsored profit sharing and 401(k).
Job ID
Employment Type
Full time
Work Hours
Travel Required
Primary Location
HYG US Greenville, NC (Headquarters)
1400 Sullivan Drive
Zip Code
Relocation Assistance Available
We are an equal opportunity employer with an excellent benefit package including medical, dental and life insurance, 401(k) and profit sharing.
EOE/Minorities/Females/Veterans/Disabled Show more details...