Orcid.org is an international, open, non-profit organization that provides a unique digital identifier for researchers and scholars. It helps to ensure that research and scholarly activities are properly recognized and distinguished from other researchers. Orcid.org’s central goal is to enable researchers to receive credit for all of their work, no matter where it is published. It also provides an information hub for researchers and institutions to share, discover, and assess research. In addition, it provides tools to help researchers manage their profile and connections, and to easily link their research to their OrcID iD. Orcid.org also provides a platform for researchers to build their professional networks and to collaborate with others.
The ORCID Registry works best on the latest versions of internet browsers and on major operating systems. Here are the browsers we supportsupport.orcid.orgInternet access is required to use ORCID. The computer you are using to access the ORCID website needs to meet certain minimum requirements for browsers and plugins.
ORCIDs are displayed on web pages and are sent downstream to third parties in data feeds, where supported. Click the link to agree to attach your ORCID details to your ScholarOne account.academic.oup.comORCID functionality online allows users to link to the ORCID website to view an author’s profile and list of publications.
ORCID will not sell our data, and they will serve as a trusted steward, preserving it for many decades to come,” says Bailey.news.emory.eduResearchers’ data in ORCID records is machine-readable, allowing for more accurate data collection and easier sharing with funders and accrediting organizations.
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Traffic rank#2,179 Site Rank
Site age15 yrs old
Site Owner informationWhois info
Full nameOpen Researcher and Contributor ID
OrganisationORCID, Inc.
Introduced16 October 2012
No. issued14,727,479
No. of digits16
Check digitMOD 11-2
15 yrs
United States