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Newest job postings for podcastaddict
via Upwork schedule_type: Contractor and Temp workwork_from_home: 1
I have a Podcast that just launched on Youtube. I signed up for RSS.com because they said they were a one-stop-shop and easy (did it for you). It turns out that I still have to do all the work to sign up for the audio podcast platforms... (Apple Podcast, Spotify, Amazon Music, Podcast Index, YouTube, iHeart radio, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, Pocket Casts, Deezer, Listen Notes, Player FM, etc.). I don't have the time or knowledge of Podcast platforms I have a Podcast that just launched on Youtube.

I signed up for RSS.com because they said they were a one-stop-shop and easy (did it for you). It turns out that I still have to do all the work to sign up for the audio podcast platforms...

(Apple Podcast, Spotify, Amazon Music, Podcast Index, YouTube, iHeart radio, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, Pocket Casts, Deezer, Listen Notes, Player FM, etc.).

I don't have the time or knowledge of Podcast platforms to do that.

I am seeking someone who has experience in signing up for podcasts through a hosting service like RSS.com, Libsyn, Podbean, etc. While I already have an account with RSS.com I have not paid anything yet so I am open to using whatever is advised. I prefer a lower budget option (under $25 per month if possible but I will pay more if necessary)

I also want to be able to have multiple Podcasts on the hosting service if possible as I have two more currently in production.

Timing: As soon as possible

Fee: Please let me know your estimate of total cost or, if it's by the hour, an estimate of the number of hours and what you charge

Additional Projects?: Yes. Two more podcasts that will need the same work (signing up for the different podcast platforms) in a month or two.

I already have all the graphics, descriptions, a website and email address - if there is anything else that is needed, please let me know

Thank you
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